28 examples of yeild in sentences

When it first appeared upon the Stage it went off with Applause and favour, and my hope is it may yeild your Worship as much content as my selfe can wish, who ever rest to be commanded by your Worship, In all duty and observance, I.K. TO THE COURTEOUS READER.

For the Tritonian goddesse, having hard 265 Her blazed fame, which all the world had fil'd, Came downe to prove the truth, and due reward For her prais-worthie workmanship to yeild: But the presumptuous damzel rashly dar'd The goddesse selfe to chalenge to the field, 270 And to compare with her in curious skill Of workes with loome, with needle, and with quill.

Yes, take them signior; but you will yeild the Englishman our prisoner? Jo.

I'de be glad You could as easily acquitt your selfe Of guilt as stand up in your owne defence; But, Bustamente, when it doth appeare To law & reason, on which law is grounded, Your great offence in daring to betray The Spanish honour unto Infamy, In yeilding up the fort on such slight cause, You can no lesse then yeild yourselfe most guilty. Bust.

To my seeming your resolution Was forwardest to yeild then to repell; You had else stood longer out. Bust.

Your care is noble, and I yeild best thankes; And 'tis but need, I tell your Seignioryes, For I have one hurt more then you have seene, As basely given & by a baser person:

You have, according to the Order, Conveyd already Bustamente thither To yeild account for yeilding up the Castle? Ten.

Were not you better yeild to marry her Then yeild to suffer death?

Were not you better yeild to marry her Then yeild to suffer death?

Nor would I have my wife exceeding faire, For then she's liquorish meate; & it would mad me To see whoremasters teeth water at her, Red haird by no meanes, though she would yeild money To sell her to some Jew for poyson.

when we must marry, faith to save charges of two wedding dinners, lets cast so that one day may yeild us bridegroome,I to the daughter and thou to the mother.

Speake it agen, that if the sacrilege Thou'st made gainst vertue be but yet sufficient To yeild thee dead, the iteration of it May damne thee past the reach of mearcye.

Yes, she; that certaine Oracle of truth, That pretious mine of honor, which before She would exhaust, or yeild your innocence A spoyle to vice, chose rather to declare Her daughter's folly; and with powerfull teares Besought me, by the love I bore to goodnes, Which in her estimation had a roome Higher than Nature, to reveale it to you And disingage you from her.

Goe to and goe to, I say and I sayt; Ile have the dragd, sirr, ah I[le] have the dragd; perswade me not, good friend; let him yeild me a reason if he can.

This is admirable: Did my intention tend to love, as soone I should embrace your motion in that kind As any others, wert but to afford Some small lustracon for the wrong my daughter Intended you; nay, to confesse my thought, I feele a strong propension in my selfe To yeild to you; but I am loath,your youth Will quickly loath me.

Uncivell! Noe; what is in other men uncivill In us is resolution; therefore yeild: I am invincible, flesh cannot stand Before me.

Your confidence Workes much uppon my lenity; but twould Occasion scandall; every one would judge I did supplant my daughter, should I yeild To your desines.

Deare madam, heare me: You had a noble husband, while he livd; And I beleive That no perswasion cold have forcd you yeild To vitiation of his honord bed, Not with a prince.

As we sitt Ile yeild you further reasons; i'the meane time Commaund him by the Officers of the Court Not to presse in untill your Lordships pleasure Be made knowne to him.

And that you may know, How ere his mallice live to me, all hatred Is dead in me to him, I am a Suitour He may be sent for; for, as Barnavelt is A member of this body politique, I honour him, and will not scorne to yeild A strict accompt of all my Actions to him;

You must shift your lodging, And presently: I have a charge to see ye Yeild yourself quietly.

V. succumb, submit, yeild, bend, resign, defer to. lay down one's arms, deliver up one's arms; lower colors, haul down colors, strike one's flag, strike colors.

Be not fantastyque; that which we perswade Hathe bothe an eassye and a certayne way, Nor can it yeild to you a syngle joye But muche redoobled sweetnes.

Mildewe Y'have such a bargen Marcellis, nor all France, shall yeild the like.

Rather than forfeit all I shoold yeild halfe. Clowne.

28 examples of  yeild  in sentences