2669 examples of yell in sentences

There was a subdued yell of triumph, the door was slammed to with a bang, and the muffled sound of stockinged feet thudding up the neighbouring staircase showed that the enemy were in full retreat.

"I'll see if I can stir any of them;" and so saying, he knelt up, and cried in an audible voice, "Now, then, are you all ready?" Diggory and Jack Vance dropped flat on their stomachs, for the words had hardly been uttered when the doors were flung open, and at least ten of the Philistines rushed out into the road with a yell of defiance.

Like a big round shot it whizzed through the posts, and there was a rapturous yell of "Goal!"

and a stentorian yell of "No, you cuckoo!

The captain commenced his innings with a heart-warming leg hit, which sent the ball to the boundary, a wave of legs and arms marking its track as the spectators, with a joyous yell, rolled over one another to escape being hit.

The dog let out a yell and flew at him.

A snowball hit the window before him, a soft crash and spread of drip, and there rose from the mob a fiendish yell that seemed itself a power, making the heart pound, dizzying the brain.

And now she can yell if she wants to for her lover to come and save her.

Give 'em a yell, boys, and you can do it," added the colonel.

He knew of a way to get food and a bed and a place to work even if it would only last thirty days, for he judged Burns was the kind of man who would yell for the police in case of an assault.

As we neared the edge of the wood and were almost prepared for the rush, the Indians on the other side raised the yell.

" Towards night the rattle of the guns gradually died away and the yell of the savages was hushed for the day.

A few minutes later we heard a yell to the right and rear as Kelley's and Applegate's men found the fort and charged it on the run.

"And through | the cumb | -rous thicks, | as fear | -fully | he makes, He with | his branch | -ed head | the ten | -der sap | -lings shakes, That sprink | -ling their | moist pearl | do seem | for him | to weep; When aft | -er goes | the cry, | with yell | -ings loud | and deep, That all | the for | -est rings, | and ev | -ery neigh | -bouring place:

But Conrade of Montserrat no sooner came within his ken than the noble hound, uttering a furious yell (the Nubian at the same time slipping his leash), leapt upon the noble charger, and seizing the marquis by the throat, pulled him from the saddle.

" In a few minutes we were convinced of my grandfather's decease, by a dismal yell uttered by the young ladies in his apartment.

Then for some moments nothing but a minute muffled confusion from the direction of the rat-holes, and then again a wild yell ...

A wild yell from the child, and a volley of terror and entreaty followed.

I hollers as loud as I could, and Roy Nash and Hugh Burton, de election officers, just happen to be comin' down de road and hear me yell.

Yes, I still takes out a show occasionally to de towns around Pope and Yell and Johnson counties, and folks treat us mighty fine.

His suppliant, as to earth he fell, No pity could impart; But still his Gelert's dying yell Pass'd

Aroused by Gelert's dying yell, Some slumberer waken'd nigh: What words the parent's joy can tell, To hear his infant cry!

And here he hung his horn and spear; And oft, as evening fell, In fancy's piercing sounds would hear Poor Gelert's dying yell.

For, just as our half-hour was crawling to an end, with a unanimous yell a crowd of wild men with weapons in their hands poured in through the great door and ran shouting at our position.

"Colonel Tompkins," came the quick command, "climb your forces to the river, pour a volley into the red-skins at sundown, yell for all you're worth, we'll do the rest.

2669 examples of  yell  in sentences