2669 examples of yells in sentences

For there came another chorus of yells from a distance, and I could hear the negro women on the steps behind me wailing softly.

Suddenly there was a chorus of yells, and two Indians appeared, rolling a cask before them into the belt of light.

Every minute one would run to the cask for another draught of the rum, and gradually their yells grew louder, their excitement more intense, as they rushed back and forth brandishing their weapons.

But before either of us could fire again, the Indians were gone, and a chorus of yells and sharp firing told me they were attacking Brightson's side of the house.

I saw with a start that their firebrands were no longer in their hands, and a moment later a puff of smoke from the corner of the house and the exultant yells of the savages warned me of our new danger.

A burst of yells and a piercing cry from below interrupted us.

The yells and the single shrill cry were repeated a second time and then a third, and finally all was still again save for the negro women wailing softly, as they rocked themselves to and fro behind the gable, their arms about their knees.

But violence beside him somehow, great heaps of dust and gravel flung over him, hoarse, wild yells in his ears, roused him.

Shriller yells along the lineAmerican yellsthe enemy there had given ground!

The blow almost knocked Steve back again as he had been before, and must have hurt considerably; but he ignored this fact just then, because from without there were coming loud yells of fright in a man's voice.

" "Hepson," called one midshipman, "has anyone invented the Navy yells for this year?" "Yells?" repeated the football captain scornfully.

" "Hepson," called one midshipman, "has anyone invented the Navy yells for this year?" "Yells?" repeated the football captain scornfully.

"Remember, Darry, how much we're backing on you to-day," muttered Hepson, after another round of yells for Dave had been given.

" A din of Hanniston yells was now smiting the air.

The Jinns, perceiving that they had been slaving day and night for a master who was dead, fled away with yells of rage and vexation.

And as she talked the yells grew louder, and I was convinced that the candidate was about to present himself.

His stifled yells told of his agony.

" With wild yells some fifty of the group from which the drunken rowdy had come sprang from the benches.

Yells and shots sounded from the main tent.

The veteran knew the feebleness of his garrison, and fancied that warlike cries, from himself, might counterbalance the yells that were now rising from all the fields in front of the house.

And amid yells and execrations, the whole mass poured down the hill, sweeping me away with them.

The troops saluted the hares which leaped out at their feet at every footstep as the broad array swept along, with shouts of laughter and yells, and during the halts numbers of the frightened creatures were knocked over and slung behind the knapsacks to furnish a meal at the night's bivouac.

There were no yells now.

With tingling cowboy yells in between.

We got into the trenches themselves by means of ladders, and the soldiers came swarming about me with yells of "Hello, Harry!

2669 examples of  yells  in sentences