29 examples of yesternight in sentences

But that worthy man and excellent poet, George Dyer, made me a visit yesternight on purpose to borrow one, supposing, rationally enough, I must say, that you had made me a present of one before this; the omission of which I take to have proceeded only from negligence: but it is a fault.

His purse and yours shall make me some amends For hind'ring me this morning from the lady; For scaring me at tavern yesternight: For having back your chain, I'll fit you both.

I am Skink, that 'scap'd ye yesternight, and fled the Fleet in your cloak, carrying me clean out of wind and rain.

'T was but love's dazzled eyesI say That made her seem so strangely bright; The face I worshipped yesternight, I dread to meet it changed to-day.

The maid gave me not my supper yesternight, so that indeed my belly wambled, and standing near the great sea-coal fire in the hall, and not being full, on the sudden I crack'd, and you know, mistress, a pipkin is soon broken.

I' faith, sweetheart, I saw thee yesternight.

I prythee, be patient; I had some occasion That did enforce me from thee yesternight.

Ass as I was, to read a piece of Aristotle in Greek yesternight; it hath put me out of my English vein quite.

Thus muche was written at Westminster yesternight; but comming this morning, beeyng the sixteenth of October , to Mystresse Kerkes, to haue it deliuered to the carrier, I receyued youre letter, sente me the laste weeke; whereby I perceiue you otherwhiles continue your old exercise of versifying in English,

My Lord, I thinke I saw him yesternight.

He is a catchpole's morning's draught, for the news that such a gallant has come yesternight to town, draws out of him both muscadel and money too.

I saw Tuthill yesternight, who has done for me what may "To all my nights and days to come, Give solely sovran sway and masterdom.

A poet hungered, as well he might Not a morsel since yesternight!

My father bid I should obey your will, And yeelde my selfe to your discretion: Besides my cozen gave me yesternight, A prettie nag to ride to Padua.

Of me they took their farewell yesternight.

There Avdyeeich sits and works, and thinks of nothing but the things of yesternight.

That was what I was reading about yesternight, little brother mine.

We have been wandering in many climes, And yesternight this place we reached, and heard Your loyal people speak of your sad plight.

She had dreams all yesternight Of her own betrothed knight; And she in the midnight wood will pray For the weal of her lover that's far away.

" Attend, it was but yesternight, I in my garret sat, I sawno, nothing

These forms I see, They may go with me through eternity, And bless or curse with ceaseless company, While yonder man, that I met yesternight, Where is he now?

I saw thee yesternight with thy first wife Sit at a banquet, gorgeously attired. WALLENST.

To-night may be as dangerous as yesternight.

I have not seen, Since yesternight we met upon this green To fold our Flocks up, any of that train; Yet have I walkt these Woods round, and have lain All this same night under an aged Tree, Yet neither wandring Shepherd did I see,

When Claudio asks her: 'What man was he talked with yesternight out at your window betwixt twelve and one?'

29 examples of  yesternight  in sentences