301 examples of you might be in sentences

You might be exactly right about it, and I wrong, so far as you yourself were concerned.

I thought you might be able to tell me how so many wine and whiskey bottles came to be standing on the kitchen table.

I thought you might be spending the night with one of your friends; I thought that maybe something had happened and it was being kept from me.

"How can you sit idly reading a book when there are so many useful things you might be doing?" was the question often put to the children of yesterday by their elders.

"I was afraid that you might be one of those awful spider-creatures that saps away the energy from everyone else," continued the monkey.

" "Or you might be a transient guest at this hotel," the other returned, in the same bantering tone, "for I saw you at breakfast and luncheon.

She said you might be going up to old Scowley's" "Might be!

" "Well, I hoped you might be able to tell me right off the reel which of these coupons were good and which bad," said Joe.

I thought you might be glad to learn of my good fortune.

The old lady had a heart of fun in her, and even her notion of romance, and her withered old apple of a face, with its quaint ringleted hair, had once been bonny and red, you might be sure.

"It just occurred to me you might be giving yourself a little unnecessary trouble," said he.

"You see, Miss Miriam, you an' your brother is both so 'tractive, that I sort o' 'sposed you might be thinkin' of gittin' married, an' if that was so, I couldn't go to Seraphina, an' git her to come here when things wasn't fixed an' settled.

For instance, if for any reason you should blow out your boiler while in the field, and as you might be in a hurry to get to work, you would not let the iron cool, before beginning to refill.

In new Ragusa you may sit on the crowded esplanade of a fashionable watering place; but pass through a frowning archway into the old town, and, save in the main street, which has modern shops and other up-to-date surroundings, you might be living in the dark ages.

" "You might be less disposed to pleasantry, sir, were this a thirty-six, or were you and I on shore.

"Thought you might be able to do something for me," he concluded, and before he had finished speaking the man at the vice had laid down his file and was reaching down a mackintosh from its hook.

I thought you might be interested to know that some one else besides yourself sees some good in the land.

You common-sense men, she seems to say, who see no difficulties in the world, you little know on what shaky ground you stand, and how easily you might be reduced to absurdity.

"I want to see mother awfully much," said Dodo, "and father too; but don't you think if you told them bird stories, Uncle Roy, you might be able to coax them to make you a long visit before they take us home?

you might be some queer old put of a dowager!'

A very holy man, as you might be, Doctor, was travelling on foot, and was benighted.

I thought it best to mention it in case you might be giving yourself unnecessary trouble.

Mar. Indeed 'twere well for you if you might be a little less obey'd.

"I knew you were heresomewhere, andandwell, I thought you might be lonely.

"It is indeed so beautiful," answered Harold, "that I should deem you might be content to live there as of old, without inviting the terrible companionship of Mars.

301 examples of  you might be  in sentences