654 examples of you might have in sentences

"You might have met with us in the woods last night," I said, "so you see you were not far from friends."

There you might have been taken for a visitor from some strange and unexplored country.

I wish you might have seen her that afternoon as she crouched over the wooden desk, snuggled down in the coarse, plaid shawl, her elbows resting on the hard desk, her chin dropped in her two plump hands, with her eyes fixed on the long, closely written columns of her large slate.

"I only wish I could have got you off to-night; and in that case you might have gone to her own house, early in the morning.

This vigilance may render Literature more laborious; but no one ever supposed that success was to be had on easy terms; and if you only write one sincere page where you might have written twenty insincere pages, the one page is worth writingit is Literature.

And then all three of the speakers gave a great shout, which communicated electricity to the crowd, and called forth a roar from a thousand voices, that went reverberating for miles among the mountains, until you might have supposed that the Great Stone Face had poured its thunder-breath into the cry.

"Had you come last week, you might have seen and conversed with your relation; or had you come early this morning, only, you might have attended his funeral.

" "So you might have been my Mamita!"

If you were one, you might have admitted it, and then we could have been friends, like two yolks in one eggshell.

You might have got into a frightful row.

'Like to some spotless heifer,'or,'that you might have compared her to some spotless heifer,' etc.or 'Like to some sacrificial heifer of old.'

'You might have been my friend once.

" "Yet there are some who look for it, I know, and I have heard that you might have married more than one girl with a handsome fortune if you had wished.

As an artist you might have spent life worthily in turning God's blessed daylight into sweet hues of rainbow colors, and into breathing forms for the delight and consolation of men, but it has been His will that you should train the lightnings, the sharp arrows of his anger, into the swift yet gentle messengers of Peace and Love.

" "My dear young man, you might have stepped straight into a crevasse!"

Why did you visit him in the first place, when, perhaps, you might have prevented it?" "I am afraid that was my sin," she replied, "and this is the punishment.

I'm sorry about the Fact; I think you might have stayed on and saved it.

And I should have thought, Horace Clifford, you might have given her that money!

Hastily, or pettedly, or despairingly, you took the wrong turning; or you might have been dwelling now amid verdant fields and silver waters in the country of contentment and success.

Until lately you might have seen entire brigades of stout-hearted men in camps near by: Camps Benjamin, Walker, Pulaski and, up in the low pine hills of Tangipahoa, Camp Moore.

Eh, you might have been her sister, Rosamund, for you are very like her.

He walked into Brookes', and everybody seemed suddenly so deeply interested in the newspapers, that you might have supposed they had brought intelligence of a great battle, or a revolution, or a change of ministry at the least.

Why, don't you know you might have killed yourself, cutting capers on a day like this?" "Precisely what I have allowed myself to point out to monsieur," I interposed.

If you had let me go on and fully open out your excellencies, you might have completed the last sentence.

You might have been sure I should find out for myself, sooner or later.

654 examples of  you might have  in sentences