66 examples of zionists in sentences

For the Zionists Jewry is a nation, and to become like other nations it needs its Motherland.

But if Turk and German go, there are Zionists who would like to see Palestine a British Protectorate, with the prospect of growing into a British Dominion.

Pamphlet No. 8 of the Deutsches Vorderasienscomitee's series: "Länder u. Völker der Türkei."] [Footnote 46: The Spanish-speaking Jews in Turkey are descended from refugees to whom the Ottoman Government gave shelter in the sixteenth century; the Arabic-speaking Jews have been introduced into Palestine from the Yemen, by the Zionists, since 1908.]

Of course, once we had him in there he was too sick to be moved; but the Army won't pay for him, so I sent a bill to the Zionists, and they returned it with a rude remark on the margin.

They had not yet, but they were about to receive a brand-new mandate from a brand-new League of Nations, awkwardly qualified by Mr. Balfour's post-Armistice promise to the Zionists to give the country to the Jews, and by a war-time promise, in which the French had joined, to create an Arab kingdom for the Arabs.

I'm not on the regular strength, but attached to the Intelligenceno, not permanentdon't know what the future has in storethat probably depends on whether or not the Zionists get full control, and how soon.

" "Are the Zionists as dangerous as the Arabs seem to think?"

The Zionists saw their chance, and claimed Palestine.

By the time the war was over the Zionists had a hard-and-fast guarantee, the French claim to Syria had been admitted, and there wasn't any country left except some Arabian desert to let the Arabs have.

The Zionists are in Jerusalem, working like beavers, and the British are getting ready to pull out as much as possible and leave the Zionists to do their own worrying.

The Zionists are in Jerusalem, working like beavers, and the British are getting ready to pull out as much as possible and leave the Zionists to do their own worrying.

The orthodox Jews are against the Zionists; the Arabs are against them both, and furious with one another.

About 75 per cent of the British are as pro-Arab as they dare be, but the rest are strong for the Zionists.

"Because they favor the Zionists.

He says that the Palestinian Arabs will rise then, and cut the throats of all the Zionists.

"Are the Zionists so reckless?".

They were not even agreed about the Zionists, except hating them; they quarreled about what would be the best way to take advantage of them before wiping them out of existence.

An explosion to be blamed on the Zionists, who must afterward be protected by the British from the mob!

Nothing to do now but wait for the mandate, while the Zionists go behind our backs to the Foreign Office and scheme for the concessions.

It's my belief the British mean to favor the Zionists and put us in the ditch.

The rumour is true that those cursed Zionists intend to desecrate the place.

"By the beard of your Prophet," Grim answered impiously, "this has nothing to do with Zionists.

About the mildest rumour was that the British had decide to vacate and to leave the Zionists in charge of things.

But it was also necessary to establish the fact that Zionists had had no hand in it.

Goodenough retorted: "you will say at the first and every succeeding opportunity that you know it is not true that Zionists tried to blow up the Dome of the Rock.

66 examples of  zionists  in sentences