17 examples of zundel in sentences

This is vouched for by such well-known authorities as Zundel and Nocard.

According to Zundel, it was recently made known on the Continent by Weber, but was previously known and mentioned by Lagueriniere, Brognier, and Hurtrel d'Arboval.

Putting on one side the classification of Lafosse (natural and accidental), as perhaps wanting in correctness, seeing that all are accidental, and disregarding the suggested divisions of Zundel (corn of the sole and corn of the wall) as serving no practical use, we believe, with Girard, that it is better to classify corns according to the changes just described.

The opposite excessa shoe thick at the toe and thin at the heelsis blamed by Zundel for causing a like injury.

Also, according to Zundel, 'the influence of the season cannot be denied, and it is during the summer months that laminitis is more frequent, while it is rare in winter, as well as in the spring and autumn.'

In this connection, Zundel says: 'Laminitis, in most instances, is preceded by certain general symptoms, such as are premonitory of the invasions of ordinary inflammatory diseases, but of an uncertain significance.'

So far we agree with him, but to what we have already said we would add that, even in this early stage, there is an additional symptom, unmentioned by Zundel, which often leads one to an exact diagnosis.

The gait is thus rendered extremely awkward, and Zundel, by saying that 'the animal appears as if treading on sharp needles,' most fitly describes it.

Quoting from Zundel, we may say that Dupuy in 1827 considered canker as a hypertrophy of the fibres of the hoof, admitting at the same time that these fibres were softened by an altered secretion; while Mercier in 1841 stated that canker was nothing more than a chronic inflammation of the reticular tissue of the foot, characterized by diseased secretions of this apparatus.

The operation of extirpating the lateral cartilage is by no means a new one, being introduced, according to Zundel, by the senior Lafosse in 1754.

As we have said before, it is found in the lighter breeds of horses (and, according to Zundel, especially in the English breeds), and is there seen to be frequently transmitted from parent to offspring.

As Zundel expresses it, they are columns of support rather than of impulsion, and, as the body-weight is thrown forward by the hind-limbs, it is the duty of the fore-limbs to receive it.

This was originally pointed out by Brauell, and is quoted by Zundel and by Möller.

SEE Zundel, Maurice.

Carl Zuckmayer (PWH of E. R. Hapgood); 18Jun68; R437212. ZUNDEL, MAURICE.

SEE Zundel, Maurice.

Carl Zuckmayer (PWH of E. R. Hapgood); 18Jun68; R437212. ZUNDEL, MAURICE.

17 examples of  zundel  in sentences