Which preposition to use with accumulated

in Occurrences 144%

And though I am at present busied in writingthose few Observations I have accumulated in my Peregrinations, Sir; yet the Ambition I aspir'd to, of being an ocular and aurial Witness of your Singularity, made me trespass on your sublimer Affairs.

on Occurrences 36%

There is a wide difference in the quantity of snow that accumulates on the coast and the ranges in the interior where the principal mining claims are located.

for Occurrences 28%

The needles, which have accumulated for centuries, make fine beds, a fact well known to other mountaineers, such as deer and wild sheep, who paw out oval hollows and lie beneath the larger trees in safe and comfortable concealment.

during Occurrences 18%

But there are circumstances which tend to show, that nothing like an inch of chalk has accumulated during the life of a Crania; and, on any probable estimate of the length of that life, the chalk period must have had a much longer duration than that thus roughly assigned to it.

at Occurrences 15%

Nothing is easier than to feed these animals, and to watch the particles of indigo or carmine accumulate at the lower end of the gullet.

to Occurrences 10%

In this way, it would seem inevitable that the surface waters of the northern and southern frigid zones must, sooner or later, find their way to the bottom of the rest of the ocean; and there accumulate to a thickness dependent on the rate at which they absorb heat from the crust of the earth below, and from the surface water above.

from Occurrences 9%

The old provincial laws of Sweden are a great and important inheritance which this period has accumulated from heathen times.

against Occurrences 8%

You knowprobably no one betterthat he cannot very consistently do this, in face of the evidence accumulated against him, evidence stronger in many regards, than that accumulated against yourself.

through Occurrences 6%

Nothing more easy: by a simple dislocation of words; by the aid of that false nomenclature which began with the first Fratricide, and has continued to accumulate through successive ages, till it reached its consummation, for every possible sin, in the French Revolution.

around Occurrences 5%

It is not an easy task to find the few grains of historical truth referring to him, among the chaff of popular fiction that several centuries have accumulated around his name.

as Occurrences 5%

Another moiety sinks to the bottom, and accumulates as a muddy sediment, or "lees.

with Occurrences 5%

As a matter of fact, up till now they have paid nothing, and the interest continues to accumulate with the capital.

about Occurrences 3%

All through the deplorable cause everybody must have copies, over and over again, of everything that has accumulated about it in the way of cartloads of papers, and must go down the middle and up again, through such an infernal country-dance of costs and fees and nonsense and corruption as was never dreamed of in the wildest visions of a witch's sabbath.

beyond Occurrences 3%

Reserves, which within limits are a necessity of sound finance, can be accumulated beyond those limits, and, when the further limits of an extreme but just arguable conservatism have been passed, there remain the innumerable devices, known to every resourceful Board, of hidden reserves, the secret of which is unmenaced by the meager information of a balance-sheet.

into Occurrences 3%

He is transforming her material life by his American savings, for they are accumulating into a capital widely distributed in native hands, which will dispense the nation from pawning its richest mines and vineyards to the European exploiter, and enable it to carry on their development on its own account at this critical juncture when European sources of capital are cut off for an indefinite period by the disaster of the European War.

like Occurrences 3%

A certain proportion of the spores and seeds no doubt fulfilled their obvious function, and, carried by the wind to unoccupied regions, extended the limits of the forest; many might be washed away by rain into streams, and be lost; but a large portion must have remained, to accumulate like beech-mast, or acorns, beneath the trees of a modern forest.

of Occurrences 3%

Doctor, you may either join the hunting-party, or post up the observations, etc., which have accumulated of late.

within Occurrences 3%

Then, as the coralline could not have fixed itself, if the Crania had been covered up with chalk mud, and could not have lived had itself been so covered, it follows, that an inch of chalk mud could not have accumulated within the time between the death and decay of the soft parts of the sea-urchin and the growth of the coralline to the full size which it has attained.

by Occurrences 2%

Year by year and age by age did these humble plants extract their nourishment from the murky vapors that shrouded the earth, and, after fashioning those gases into a living tissue of stems and leaves, year after year did they die and lay their remains upon the rocks, accumulating by slow steps a soil which would in time be capable of giving holding-ground to mightier plants.

without Occurrences 2%

There is more danger of censure from the multiplicity than paucity of examples; authorities will sometimes seem to have been accumulated without necessity or use, and, perhaps, some will be found, which might, without loss, have been omitted.

over Occurrences 2%

Suppose that the shores of this great land were fringed, as those of tropical Australia are now, with belts of mangroves, which would extend landwards on the one side, and be buried beneath littoral deposits on the other side, as depression went on; and great beds of mangrove lignite might accumulate over the sinking land.

under Occurrences 2%

They can only be burned by allowing the ashes to accumulate under them till they exclude the air when the bars at once become red hot.

among Occurrences 1%

Thus rare jewels pledged for gold accumulated among the Hebrew merchants at an early date.

beneath Occurrences 1%

It is at first the greater diameter of the cone that moves the tube, and permits the thread to accumulate beneath the narrow extremity.

inside Occurrences 1%

I wanted to talk to every one: I felt as if whole volumes of conversation had been accumulating inside me during the long speechless months of my imprisonment.

Which preposition to use with  accumulated