Which preposition to use with antique

in Occurrences 12%

2. Where the word used is antique in root, I give the modern synonym in the margin.

for Occurrences 8%

Collecting antiques for the home.

as Occurrences 4%

Within, the Stratford House is as antique as without, and, with its halls, corridors, wainscoting, and ancient mouldings, takes the visitor back to the era of powder and silk stockings.

of Occurrences 3%

Chester itself, most antique of English towns, can hardly show quainter architectural shapes than many of the buildings that border this street.

to Occurrences 3%

They stopped to look into the windows of shops of every kind, from antiques to millinery.

with Occurrences 2%

It would be interesting to compare Signorelli's treatment of the antique with Mantegna's or Botticelli's.

from Occurrences 1%

Separating the antique from the Christian tradition, but placing them upon an equality in his art, Raphael made the "School of Athens" an epitome of Greek and Roman wisdom, while in the "Dispute of the Sacrament" he symbolised the Church in heaven and Church on earth.

at Occurrences 1%

My merry groom should in a trice convey her To Sarum Plain, and set her down at Stonehenge, To pick her path through those antiques at leisure; She should take sample of our Wiltshire flints.

on Occurrences 1%

" Among objects and places of interest in the outskirts of the city that deserve a visit are Sham Castle, an artificial antique on Bathwick Hill; Widcombe Old Church (built by Prior Bird); the chapel of St Mary Magdalen in Holloway (built by Prior Cantlow in 1495); Beckford's Tower on Lansdowne, and Combe Down (where a portion of the Wansdyke may be examined).

Which preposition to use with  antique