Which preposition to use with apprenticed

to Occurrences 162%

Bus boys bear off the crockery as though they were apprenticed to a juggler and were only at the beginning of their art.

in Occurrences 68%

There is a shuffling of apprentices in the gallery.

of Occurrences 39%

The little page was outside the coach on the step, and a fellow in the crowd aimed a potato at him, and hit him in the eye, at which the poor little wretch set up a shout The man, a great big saddler's apprentice of the town, laughed, and stooped to pick up another potato.

on Occurrences 34%

He occupies a position much like that of an apprentice on a ship, and has to work with the men though supposed to be above them in social status.

for Occurrences 27%

Mountjoy took as apprentice for six years, Stephen Bellott, a young Frenchman.

with Occurrences 15%

My Sundays were spent principally in taverns, playing at dominos, which then was, and still is, a favorite game in that part of the country; and, as the unsuccessful party was expected to treat, I at times ran up a bill at the bar as high as four or six dollars,no small indebtedness for a young apprentice with no more means than I had.

at Occurrences 12%

" "Well, then," replied Mathieu, "there must be another apprentice at the wheelwright's.

from Occurrences 11%

Authority is given by the act to the justices in sessions to discharge the apprentice from his indentures.

than Occurrences 6%

Its main design is rather to benefit the apprentice than the master.

against Occurrences 5%

Offences committed by apprentices against any person not connected with the estates on which they live, come under the cognizance of the local magistrates or of higher courts.

by Occurrences 4%

The legal adviser of the crown considers the clause active and binding; the special magistrate cannot, therefore, adjudicate on disputes of labor under the eight hour system, and the consequences have been continual complaints and bickerings between the magistrates and managers, and discontent among the apprentices by comparison of the advantages which one system presents over the other.

as Occurrences 4%

The shop at Staithes, generally spoken of as a 'huckster's,' where Cook was apprenticed as a boy, has also disappeared; but, unfortunately, that unpleasant story of his having taken a shilling from his master's till, when the attractions of the sea proved too much for him to resist, persistently clings to all accounts of his early life.

under Occurrences 3%

I served an apprentice under my father and under a German contractor.

until Occurrences 2%

To his astonishment he found numbers of this class who expressed a wish to remain apprentices until 1840.

about Occurrences 2%

Mr. P. says he finds no lack of interest among the apprentices about education.

after Occurrences 2%

[Footnote A: A fine of sixteen dollars for the first assault, and the liberation of the apprentice after a second.]

into Occurrences 2%

Following the apprentice into the shop, on the promise of a handsome reward, he instantly commenced his relation.

like Occurrences 2%

I cannot wonder you fret after so handsome, so captivating a man as the earl, especially when you are worried to death to marry a common apprentice like Leonard Holt, who is not fit to hold a candle to your noble admirer.

up Occurrences 2%

Accordingly we find some of the staunchest advocates of slavery, men who had been fattening on the oppression of the apprentices up to that moment the first, and the most precipitate, is their proposals of abolition.

TO Occurrences 1%


before Occurrences 1%

The widow's talent for dressmaking (she had been a milliner's apprentice before marriage), though of a high order, and exerted to the utmost, failed to please.

behind Occurrences 1%

The fight began by a volley of stones from the apprentices behind the barricade.

out Occurrences 1%

In the Cathedral at Lincoln, England, there is a window of stained glass which was made by an apprentice out of little pieces of glass that had been thrown aside by his master as useless.

aboard Occurrences 1%

Passing her room, Ulysses noticed there some of his own portraits at the time when he was a simple apprentice aboard a transatlantic liner.

Which preposition to use with  apprenticed