Which preposition to use with arts

of Occurrences 4169%

The great art of the world has centred about the Christian Churchits architecture and much of its noblest speech.

in Occurrences 734%

Breakfast will soon be ready and thou art in sore need of it by the look of thy face."

as Occurrences 142%

It remained for Boccaccio to treat of daily life with an art as distinct and dazzling as theirs.

by Occurrences 122%

But I never mastered the Indian art by which the foot descending in the darkness on something that will crackle checks before the noise is made.

to Occurrences 119%

For to live lonely without thee Untouched by jealous fear, Is more than my poor heart can brook, Thou art to me so dear.

with Occurrences 110%

" And Pompey answered with joyous assurance,"'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.'" "The Jedge hez been here," said Dyce with mournful pride.

for Occurrences 99%

They have invented an art for the preservation of letters and the diffusion of knowledge, which the sages of Greece and India never knew, but they have not learned to take, and they refuse to be taught how to take, the one little step further necessary to render it generally profitable to mankind.

at Occurrences 76%

The field in which they are to be found is almost unlimited; and they possess abundantly the two grand essentials to success in art at the present time, as well as in literaturenovelty and sensation.

from Occurrences 64%

At the latter city predilections on the black art from a consistent regard to the solemnity of the subject were delivered within the walls of a vast and gloomy cavern.

of Occurrences 61%

But this is not the way to thrive in Wickedness; I must rush on to RuinCome, fair Mistress, Will you not shew me some of your Arts of Love?

than Occurrences 56%

Love teaches more art than all the schools.

on Occurrences 47%

my son!' exclaimed I, 'thou art on a dangerous road.

like Occurrences 26%

Unfortunate queen of cities City of noble ramparts, Algiers, column of Islam, Thou art like the habitation of the dead, The banner of France envelops thee all.

thou Occurrences 25%

Art thou my Rival?

without Occurrences 19%

If haply thou believest that thou art without companions in this, foolish is thy belief.

through Occurrences 18%

It is assisted by art through the appropriate use of figures, noble diction, and dignified and spirited composition of the words into sentences.

in Occurrences 17%

Mr. Steele, before quoted, furnishes us with what passed at the meeting of the Society of Arts in Barbadoes at their committee-room in August 1785, when the following question was in the order of the day: "Is there any law written, or printed, by which a proprietor can prove his title to his slave under or conformable to the laws of England?"

under Occurrences 17%

" "Ha! belike thou art under some vow also, master?" "Aye, verily, nor will I rest until it be accomplished or I am slain.

about Occurrences 16%

"That wherein thou art about to be immersed.

into Occurrences 14%

It inspires literature and supports newspapers; now intelligent and cultured, drawing the arts into its service; now coarse and vulgar, with pictures that shock the taste as much as they debase the conscience.

among Occurrences 13%

"But Thou, O Lord, art among us, and Thy holy name is invoked upon us; forsake us not, O Lord our God"; and for past protection the Church adds to their invocation, taken from the prophet Jeremias, the words of gratitude, "Thanks be to God.

within Occurrences 9%

But, if in dreames there any truth be found, Thou art within the compas of this ground.

over Occurrences 9%

The keeper, remarking our unaffected surprise at the exhibition, asked us if we could now doubt the unlimited force of education, after such a display of the triumph of art over nature.

during Occurrences 9%

The revolution in the constructive arts during the last half-century, which has also been a period of but little-interrupted naval peace, and the universal adoption of mechanical appliances, both for ship-propulsion and for many minor servicesmere matériel being thereby raised in the general estimation far above really more important mattersmakes the danger mentioned more menacing in the present age than it has ever been before.

beyond Occurrences 8%

He fused and recast the antecedent materials of design in sculpture and painting, producing a quintessence of art beyond which it was impossible to advance without breaking the rhythm, so intensely strung, and without contradicting too violently the parent inspiration.

Which preposition to use with  arts