Which preposition to use with assignments

of Occurrences 51%

Durandus (thirteenth century) gives some reasons for the assignment of the Magnificat to Vespers.

in Occurrences 39%

" That the assignments in this chapter may help you develop a vocabulary which shall be promptly responsive to your needs, you should perform some of them rapidly.

for Occurrences 21%

Assignment for further discrimination: <sneak, shamble, amble, wander, stamp, slouch, gad, gallivant, glide, hike>.

to Occurrences 17%

Besides making this assignment to them, he promised to give to his own children by Cleopatra the following lands,to Ptolemy Syria and all the region west of the Euphrates as far as the Hellespont, to Cleopatra Libya about Cyrene, and to their brother Alexander Armenia and the rest of the districts across the Euphrates as far as the Indi.

on Occurrences 9%

Comments and assignments on, "Causes for the American Spirit of Liberty" (Burke).

as Occurrences 3%

But what a story! He read his own name in big, black type; he read head-lines that told of a starving boy sent out on a hopeless assignment as a cruel joke; he read the story as it had really occurred, only told in the third person by an author who was neither ashamed nor afraid to give credit where it was due.

at Occurrences 2%

Oritz Konig, now on special assignment at Mars Base, will make a report on what we've learned about Putnam's chief assistant, Lurton Zimbardo.

with Occurrences 2%

He then went to Oman, returning again to take up an assignment with the Hindu, where he currently works.

without Occurrences 2%

Assignment without glory.

by Occurrences 1%

" "I obtained this assignment by stratagem," said the promoter; "and I have thereby deprived Sir Giles of the most valuable portion of his spoils; and though; he thinks to win it back again, he will find himself deceived.

over Occurrences 1%

Though he disapproved their conduct, Cortes declared he would not oppose them; on which they embarked, taking on board their provision of bread, vegetables, and oil for the voyage, and one of them named Moron sold a good horse to Juan Ruano, receiving its price in an assignment over some property in Cuba.

Which preposition to use with  assignments