Which preposition to use with attains

to Occurrences 627%

In timehow many thousands of years, I know notI attained to some degree of quietudesufficient to enable me to pay attention to what was transpiring around me.

in Occurrences 137%

But other active organisms, very much larger than the Bacteria, attaining in fact the comparatively gigantic dimensions of 1/3000 of an inch or more, incessantly crossed the field of view.

by Occurrences 47%

By his success in effecting this Mr. Brush brought about the very purpose which he had sought to attain by his classification plan.

at Occurrences 29%

The Brahman was converted and attained at once to Arhatship.

unto Occurrences 29%

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.

without Occurrences 23%

His exorbitant ambition, unrestrained by any principle either of justice or humanity, made him carry his views to the possession of the crown itself, and, as this object could not be attained without the ruin of the Queen and her family, he fell, without hesitation, into concert with the opposite party.

with Occurrences 22%

"We have now considered the globe of this earth as a machine, constructed upon chemical as well as mechanical principles, by which its different parts are all adapted, in form, in quality, and in quantity, to a certain end; an end attained with certainty or success; and an end from which we may perceive wisdom, in contemplating the means employed.

through Occurrences 11%

His ideal of perfect womanhood he would attain through the awakening power of the affections and the transforming power of love, rather than by ignoring the difference of physique, founding women's universities, and becoming blue-stockinged high priestesses of learning.

under Occurrences 7%

"We accepted this war for an object, and a world object, and the war will end when the object is attained under God.

of Occurrences 6%

O Master Goursey, neighbour-amity Is such a jewel of high-reckoned worth, As for the attain of it what would not I Disburse, it is so precious in my thoughts!

as Occurrences 6%

The child has not attained as yet, and it is doubtful whether we ourselves have done so, to that supreme excellence of love which absolutely casteth out fear.

on Occurrences 6%

The natural result of granting this request will be that true safety will never be attained on the Sinai Front by a pure defensive, and that the Irak undertaking will certainly fritter away owing to want of driving power or to delays.

than Occurrences 4%

However, as this learned Author asserts, That Virtue is much more difficult to be attained than Knowledge of the World; and that Vice is a more stubborn, as well as a more dangerous Fault than Sheepishness, he is altogether for a private Education; and the more so, because he does not see why a Youth, with right Management, might not attain the same Assurance in his Fathers House, as at a publick School.

for Occurrences 4%

It always produces a feeling of exultation to know that the goal has been attained for which a start was made; and the four chums were only human.

from Occurrences 3%

In fact, this twofold object was attained from 1830 to 1848.

before Occurrences 3%

" The degree of absurdity to which a portion of society must have attained before such scenes as the above could become possible may serve as a commentary and an explanation to half the literature which flooded the stage and the press in France for the first six or eight years after the Revolution of 1830.

between Occurrences 2%

International peace can never be attained between nations torn with internal dissensions; international justice will remain a dream so long as political parties and schools of thought dispute over the meaning of justice in domestic affairs.

over Occurrences 2%

The more the mind conceives things in their necessity, and the emotions in their reference to God, the less it is passively subject to the emotions, the more power it attains over them: "Virtue is power" (IV. def. 8; prop.

therewith Occurrences 1%

Can ever my fourteenth year come round again?" Life itself was thought cheap if honor and fame could be attained therewith: hence, whenever a cause presented itself which was considered dearer than life, with utmost serenity and celerity was life laid down.

during Occurrences 1%

They make for a persistence of the state of equilibrium among the endocrines attained during pregnancy.

throughout Occurrences 1%

I beg to give you 'The health of Professor Morse,' and may he long live to enjoy the high reputation he has attained throughout the world!"

beyond Occurrences 1%

This desirable end being attained beyond even the most sanguine hopes, the martial fever seems on the decline.

towards Occurrences 1%

The mind should always be diverted towards one particular object; it should be the aim of everybody to attain towards supreme excellence, if possible, in some one pursuit.

into Occurrences 1%

For this tendency is not, as I have said, a purely natural one; it does not come into existence as a direct need of human nature; it is rather the effect of the experience we go through, the product of reflection upon what our needs really are; proceeding, more especially, from the insight we attain into the wretched stuff of which most people are made, whether you look at their morals or their intellects.

among Occurrences 1%

The circumstances under which this school was founded, and the rank it has attained among our classical seminaries, may probably be interesting to the reader.

Which preposition to use with  attains