Which preposition to use with avenues

of Occurrences 411%

Every avenue of escape was closed as they wandered about the woods and bogs.

to Occurrences 76%

You will find that as science closes up one avenue to the grave, men will force a way to it through another.

in Occurrences 42%

To accomplish this object, a Túránian army of thirty thousand veterans was assembled, and ordered to occupy all the positions and avenues in the vicinity of the sporting grounds.

for Occurrences 30%

One of the best known men on Washington Avenue for his blood-uncle, and on his poor dead father's side related to the Katz & Harberger Harbergers.

with Occurrences 19%

Well, I guess not!" "You saw the waysheMayyou saw for yourself what she was, when we saw her walking, that next night after Ceiner's, nearly staggering, up Sixth Avenue with Budge Evans.

through Occurrences 13%

These preliminaries, which occupied some hours, being observed, the javelin-men, and others employed about the person of the head of the Republic, were seen opening an avenue through the throng.

on Occurrences 12%

I rode down Fifth Avenue on one of them high-topped buses with seats on.

at Occurrences 12%

M. Raoul was not among the long train which shook hands with her and filed down the avenue at the heels of M. de Tocqueville and General Rochambeau.

by Occurrences 9%

The special senses are the avenues by which we obtain this information as to our bodily condition, the world around us, and the manner in which it affects us.

toward Occurrences 7%

They are moving down the avenue toward the White House, toward the home of that patient, kindly, sorely-tried rulerthe Democritus of his grisly epoch.

towards Occurrences 7%

Then she sped down the starlit avenue towards the open fields and the town.

from Occurrences 7%

Let us cross this avenue from one side to the other, and estimate the width of its different parts.

into Occurrences 6%

Then they went to the main gate, passed through and strolled on up Maryland Avenue into State Circle.

near Occurrences 5%

" So Joel stuck his books under his arm and the two crossed the yard, traversing the quadrangle in front of University and debouching on to the avenue near where the tall shaft of the Soldiers' Monument gleams in the sunlight.

between Occurrences 4%

The road to Ypres is a broad avenue between long lines of tall trees, and to-day it was crowded with soldiers and transport motors.

like Occurrences 4%

M. Pigot paused, his head bent in thought; and I seemed to be gazing with him down long avenues of crime, extending far into the pastdismal avenues like those of Père Lachaise, where tombs elbowed each other; where, at every step, one came face to face with a mystery, a secret, or a tragedy.

as Occurrences 3%

The woman sold it to me anyway and I was free and happy on Sixth Avenue as any Indian.

down Occurrences 3%

Now, to close for ever that shameful avenue down which he might slink from the battle, I pledge myself to pay again that five pounds a month during my life, and to secure the same to Richard Cartwright after my death, so long as he shall live.

under Occurrences 3%

A thousand things flashed in a second before his eyes; he saw the avenues under the old trees where his aunt used to take him walking in old days; he saw himself a little child, happy and wondering; he remembered the castles he used to build with strips of plane-tree bark...

after Occurrences 2%

Ralph had gathered them all up when he had moved from West End Avenue after Undine's departure for Europe, and they throned over his other possessions as her image had throned over his future the night he had sat in that very room and dreamed of soaring up with her into the blue...

along Occurrences 2%

The social fabric of half the Union was not less overturned in this brief period than were the accustomed avenues along which ran the world's trade and commerce.

outside Occurrences 1%

The evening before our departure I walked up and down the avenue outside our Villa and talked with Venosta, who had done splendid work in the retreat.

during Occurrences 1%

A smile came to Sinclair's lips as he thought of a couple walking up Fifth Avenue during his leave of absence not many months before, and of a letter, many times read, lying at that moment in his breast-pocket.

beside Occurrences 1%

Suddenly he saw Freya following the avenue beside the houses.

below Occurrences 1%

The avenue below it was deserted; not a carriage or motor turned the corner around which he expected Undine to appear, and he looked idly in the opposite direction.

Which preposition to use with  avenues