Which preposition to use with battered

with Occurrences 24%

Mix the rice-flour or arrowroot to a batter with a little of the soup; add it with the seasoning and sauce, or ketchup.

of Occurrences 22%

For the position of leading batsman the "Hall of Fame" honors Zimmerman, the powerful batter of the Chicago club.

in Occurrences 22%

The Umpire turned suddenly and wanted to know: "Who was firin' spit balls at his back hair?" One "innins," the ball was rolled through, it struck the batter in the rite eye.

at Occurrences 20%

" I thought of him afterward when an angry crowd was battering at the doors of one of the salons where the royalties were having refreshments.

into Occurrences 16%

But Cochrane, instead of waiting to be attacked, made for the Spaniard, and, after receiving the fire of all her guns, without delivering a shot, got right under the side of the Gamo (so the vessel was called), and battered into her with might and main.

on Occurrences 12%

AN OLD TWENTY-THIRD MAN "Is that the Three-and-Twentieth, Strabo mine, Marching below, and we still gulping wine?" From the sad magic of his fragrant cup The red-faced old centurion started up, Cursed, battered on the table.

for Occurrences 11%

Jackson of Cleveland enters the "Hall of Fame" by being the leading batter for three-base hits.

to Occurrences 10%

In the southern suburb the houses looking out upon the country showed, by their splintered woodwork and walls battered to the foundation, that they had lately been the mark of a destructive cannonade.

about Occurrences 7%

Cournet, jumping hedges, striding over ditches, stumbling at every moment, slipping into sloughs, laying hold of briers, with his clothes in rags, his hands bleeding, dying with hunger, battered about, wearied, worn out, almost exhausted, followed his guide gaily.

as Occurrences 6%

Not so heavy a batter as some of his rivals, he covered a great amount of ground for the Chicagos and steadied the infield throughout the year.

from Occurrences 5%

The great heavy metal doors were incessantly battered from without, but no one dared to open them, and Lorenzo remained where he was until the hubbub in the Duomo appeared to be abating.

down Occurrences 5%

The whole Navy force hurled itself around this point, battering down the startled opposition.

by Occurrences 3%

Make the batter by mixing the flour and water smoothly together; melt in it the butter, and add the whites of egg beaten to a froth; take out the pieces of fowl, dip them in the batter, and fry, in boiling lard, a nice brown.

against Occurrences 3%

Bruce and Metoosin were away from camp all of that day, spying over the range to the westward, and Langdon was left to doctor a knee which he had battered against a rock the previous day.

over Occurrences 1%

Pour this batter over the apples and bake in a moderate oven.

than Occurrences 1%

These are made in the same manner as muffins; only, in making the mixture, let it be more like batter than dough.

before Occurrences 1%

To render the pancakes very light, the yolks and whites of the eggs should be beaten separately, and the whites added the last thing to the batter before frying.

like Occurrences 1%

He began battering at King's face, battering like a steam-piston.

beyond Occurrences 1%

And the alarm clock that woke Mr. Fennell every morning and reminded him that it was time to get up and make his wife's breakfast, which she always got in bed, struck dumb for ever with its works battered beyond recognition.

during Occurrences 1%

He had been badly battered during the last four days.

out Occurrences 1%

His helmet was soaked and battered out of shape.

Which preposition to use with  battered