Which preposition to use with battleships

in Occurrences 12%

As I have previously said, the Italians had held a portion of the line in front of Gaza with a composite brigade, but the French troops had not yet been in action in Palestine, though their Navy had assisted with a battleship in the Gaza bombardment.

of Occurrences 5%

In the bright morning sunlight the sight was both picturesque and imposing, for from every vessel flags were flying, and ever and anon the great battleship of the Admiral made signals which were repeated by all the other vessels, each in turn.

to Occurrences 3%

Beyond the battleships to the left were the cruisers Hindenburg and Lutzow, and beyond the battleships to the right the cruisers Elbing and Essen.

on Occurrences 2%

JOHNSON, THOMAS M. Battleships on wheels.

inside Occurrences 2%

Their fire was silenced by the ten battleships inside the straits, all the ships being hit several times during this part of the action.

on Occurrences 2%

For opening railway communications this "battleship on wheels" is unexcelled.

with Occurrences 2%

Apart from questions of general principle in this matter, accidents to ordnance material in the Navy, or the production of inferior ammunition, may involve, and have involved, the most serious results, even the complete loss of battleships with their crews, as the result of a magazine explosion or the bursting of a heavy gun.

at Occurrences 2%

Experiments were carried out by a battleship at Rosyth, in the first instance, and later at Scapa.

for Occurrences 1%

Englishmen were also building two ironclad battleships for the Confederates.

Of Occurrences 1%

[Illustration: Wooden Battleships Of Olden Days] THE FLAGS OF THE ALLIES

into Occurrences 1%

Keep your big guns safe to beat other battleships into scrap.

from Occurrences 1%

Their propaganda against armaments has borne fruit in Belgium, England and France, but did not prevent a single German battleship from being built, nor a single regiment from being added to the German army.

in Occurrences 1%

CHAPTER XVI SUBMARINES AND MINES Battleships in Constant Danger from Submerged CraftOpinions of Admiral Sir Percy ScottConstruction of Modern TorpedoesHow Mines Are Laid and Exploded on Contact.

Which preposition to use with  battleships