Which preposition to use with blowing

of Occurrences 443%

Here we were, fifty miles from a house, away in the forest beyond the sound of anything savoring of human agency, and yet we heard distinctly what was for all the world like the blows of an axe or hammer upon a stake, driving it into the earth.

from Occurrences 440%

All the same, he was not quite master of his wits, and had some fear of a blow from the fool.

to Occurrences 423%

In answer to his peremptory knock, the door was opened by a man slighter and shorter than himself, but sufficiently like him to be known as his brother, and the travellers staggered inthe door, with a heavy crash, blowing to behind them.

on Occurrences 408%

I felt dazed, as though I had received a blow on the head.

with Occurrences 329%

I struck an old, bleached specimen on Mount Ritter a dozen blows with my ice-ax without breaking it.

in Occurrences 328%

" "Nor is that all," said the Brahmin, "as the judges assign the victory according to certain rules and precedents, the reasons of which are known only to themselves, if known at all, and which are often sufficiently whimsicalas sometimes a small scratch in the head avails more than a disabling blow in the body.

at Occurrences 303%

This was a blow at the national life, and he thought the punishment of treason was imperatively demanded.

for Occurrences 137%

[The best thing an "Unhappy Father" can do, under the circumstances, is to learn to play upon the bass horn, and then, should the brazen serenaders again make their appearance, he can give them blow for blow.

into Occurrences 114%

It served, also, to conduct the smoke upward, and prevented it from being blown into our faces, as we sat in front, at once, of our sleeping-place and our camp-fire.

over Occurrences 100%

Airit is as fresh as the air that blew over the Pharaohs.

through Occurrences 100%

" She lay for a long time wakeful, revelling in the strange sense of peace which seemed to enfold her, while the evening breeze blew through the room and the twilight threw weird shadows among the dainty draperies.

about Occurrences 78%

The water was cold, and there was a good deal of puffing and blowing about the time his head came above the surface.

across Occurrences 75%

The weather had cleared somewhat, though scudding wrack still blew across them to the westward.

against Occurrences 63%

As much as Philadelphia desired that New York should be beaten, for there was no love lost between the teams in a ball playing way, the fighting spirit and the predominant desire to add to the column of victories as many games as possible brought forth the best efforts of the team of ill fortune against Chicago and struck telling blows against Chicago's success at the most timely moments.

of Occurrences 57%

" "Aye, Sir Gravity," nodded the jester, "but the Church is paramount ever; set the pope a-blowing of tunes upon a reed and kings would lay by their sceptres and pipe too and, finding no time or lust for warring, so strife would end, swords rust and wit grow keen.

out Occurrences 57%

It was a day in June, filled with a rich, thick, amber light, with a fragrant warm wind blowing out of the west.

like Occurrences 41%

" They shook their feet ontil exhausted natur, from necessity, ceased to be virtous, when suddenly they both tumbled over onto their backs, and blowed like porpoises.

by Occurrences 32%

He plunged in, heavily and blindly, blocking one of Darrin's blows by wrapping both arms around him.

as Occurrences 28%

The ungenerous Edward, insensible to pity, struck him on the face with his gauntlet; and the Dukes of Clarence and Gloucester, Lord Hastings, and Sir Thomas Gray, taking the blow as a signal for further violence, hurried the Prince into the next apartment and there despatched him with their daggers.

between Occurrences 19%

The word struck him like a blow between the eyes.

after Occurrences 19%

With bold right hand Zulema drew his keen and mighty blade; Blow after blow 'mid blood and dust upon his foe he laid; The startled beast retired before such onslaught of his foe, And the people shouted loud applause and the King himself bowed low.

without Occurrences 15%

The moon shone, but she made no shadow in it; the rain fell upon her, but did not hurt her; the little night breeze blew without finding any resistance in her.

off Occurrences 13%

What has become of the English steamer no one knows, but the wind blows off shore, so she will not come any nearer to us.

under Occurrences 13%

The navy man straightened up as from a blow under the jaw.

toward Occurrences 10%

" I held up my scout scarf to show him how it blew toward the valley.

Which preposition to use with  blowing