Which preposition to use with bravoed

for Occurrences 6%

Bravo for Don FRANÇOIS!

of Occurrences 5%

A common bravo of the canals is waylaid, among your despised graves, by the proudest Signor of Calabria!

with Occurrences 5%

Still he did not speak; but he met the riveted gaze of the Bravo with a look that denoted, equally, confusion of intellect and a half-settled purpose.

in Occurrences 3%

If it were not for the honors which the monk had obtained for the police since he began his work in Venice, the Captain said that he would not lift a hand to save him from the meanest bravo in Italy.

as Occurrences 2%

The suspicions of foul-play entertained by his 'court' were confirmed; they regarded the bravo as an emissary of the government, and the 'Meurs, Capet!'

by Occurrences 2%

"Hast thou aught in particular, good Roderigo?" demanded the mariner, who knew the Bravo by a sign, and yet who only knew him by that fictitious name.

without Occurrences 1%

The habits of the moose, in his manner of defence and attack, are similar to those of the stag, and may be illustrated by the following anecdote from the "Random Sketches of a Kentuckian:" Who ever saw Bravo without loving him?

at Occurrences 1%

From condemned desperadoes to bravoes at large is but a step.

into Occurrences 1%

Is there a place here whence we can look out upon the sea?" Gelsomina led the Bravo into an empty room of the attic which commanded a view of the port, the Lido, and the waste of water beyond.

to Occurrences 1%

But in 1868 came the revolution which dethroned Isabel II, and in the confusion that followed the downfall of the ministry and the hasty withdrawal of Gonzalez Bravo to the French frontier the volume of poems was lost.

Which preposition to use with  bravoed