Which preposition to use with briefer

on Occurrences 118%

I promised to consider a fee of fifty thousand guineas, and did so, but resolved not to accept the brief on any terms, as it involved my going to Indie, and I felt it would be unwise to do so.

for Occurrences 58%

His acceptance of the brief for the defence was in itself remarkable.

as Occurrences 34%

So the minister came from Elmwood, and being unable to say much that was good or bad of "the woman who had departed from this vale of tears," he confined his remarks to generalities and made them as brief as possible.

of Occurrences 32%

Mr. Archibald Forbes' Life of Sir Henry Havelock is one of the most fascinating works of its kind; the Rev. H.C.G. Moule's Life of the Rev. Charles Simeon is delightfully written and full of interest, and the Rev. J.H. Overton's Life of Wesley gives an admirable picture in brief of the great revival preacher.

in Occurrences 32%

" Mr. Lethbridge was unexpectedly brief in his opening address.

to Occurrences 12%

"You said yesterday, witness," commenced Mr. Walters, adjusting his glasses and glancing from his brief to the witness and from the witness back to the brief again, "that you saw the prisoner enter the gate at Riversbrook about 9.30 on the night of the 18th of August?

with Occurrences 8%

It did not fall to my lot to hold many briefs with him, but I am glad to say that I had some, because I shall not forget the kindness and instruction I received from him.

at Occurrences 7%

They next set before me, as a terrible warning, my uncle, another brother of my father's, who had gone to the Bar, and I will not say never had any practice, for I believe he practised a good deal on the Norfolk Broads, and once had a brief at sessions concerning the irremovability of a pauper, which he conducted much to the satisfaction of the pauper, although I believe the solicitor never gave him another brief.

from Occurrences 5%

An occasional small brief from Hitchin was the beginning and the end of my father's influence, while sessions practice was not the practice I hoped to finish my career with, although I had little hopes of eminence.

by Occurrences 3%

LUCAS, EDWARD D. The logic and reason in Christianity; a brief by a lawyer.

than Occurrences 3%

it is briefer than the rage of an hour, fleeter than a mid-day trance.

about Occurrences 2%

Under their brief about Elmer Moffatt currents of rapid intelligence seemed to be flowing between them.

than Occurrences 2%

This may explain why sounds perceived at great distances are briefer than at small ones.

into Occurrences 1%

Shakspeare, of a child, says "the hand of time Shall draw this brief into as huge a volume.

between Occurrences 1%

Almost in pity, to spare Anne the misery of helpless waiting, Dr. Woodford consented to let her go under his escort, starting very early the next morning, since the King might immediately set off for the army in Holland, and the space was brief between condemnation and execution.

before Occurrences 1%

I believe you'd take a brief before the devil in h." I was quite taken aback for the moment by the use of such language.

within Occurrences 1%

Soderini sent back an answer to the Pope's brief within a few days, affirming that "Michelangelo the sculptor is so terrified that, notwithstanding the promise of his Holiness, it will be necessary for the Cardinal of Pavia to write a letter signed by his own hand to us, guaranteeing his safety and immunity.

onwithout Occurrences 1%

" Whatever business overwhelms the counsel, no amount of it would disconcert the clerk, and it is wonderful how many briefs he can arrange in upstanding attitude along mantelpieces, tables, tops of dwarf cupboards, windowsanywhere, in fact, where there is anything to stand a brief onwithout that gentleman feeling the least exhausted.

Which preposition to use with  briefer