Which preposition to use with cage

of Occurrences 73%

What's all this?" gasps Mr. MCLAUGHLIN, struggling affrightedly in his suffocating cage of whalebone and alpaca.

in Occurrences 47%

We got one act that just curdles your blood, a cage in the ring, with lions and tigers and leopards, who go through all kinds of stunts.

with Occurrences 45%

Above me, on my stretcher swinging by, I saw new stars in the subterrene sky: A Cross, a Rose in bloom, a Cage with bars, And a barbed Arrow feathered in fine stars.

for Occurrences 23%

I left her and did not see her till the next day, when the boys had got a fine, large cage for her.

at Occurrences 21%

" "Are you an esve, to be caged at home, and played with for lack of better employment?

to Occurrences 10%

The messenger had a young brood at Aleppo, and was sent down in an uncovered cage to Scanderoon, from whence, as soon as set at liberty, she returned with all possible expedition to her nest.

on Occurrences 9%

This had festered the flesh, and bruin, bound with stout ropes, had been brought out of his cage on a wheeled litter, and laid on the grass for careful treatment.

like Occurrences 8%

Lower the deck hatch, and we have those devils below caged like so many rats.

by Occurrences 8%

In his diplomatic career he was taken prisoner during the war with China; and, with Mr. Boulby, the Times correspondent, was carried about in a cage by his captors, and exhibited to the natives.

from Occurrences 7%

That this is an error is apparent from the testimony of travellers, who speak of the birds in the Sandwich Islands and New Zealand as singing delightfully, and some fine songsters are occasionally imported in cages from tropical climates.

into Occurrences 4%

The Dane remained as motionless as a rock when Kazan was prodded from his own cage into the fighting cage.

out Occurrences 3%

After a time, when he had exchanged his infant down for a suit of feathers, he was promoted to a large cage out in the garden, and his regular diet was a little raw meat or a mutton bone tied to one of his perches, but, by way of a treat, I would offer him, whenever I could get it, a locust, or large grasshopper.

near Occurrences 3%

In a cage near by (for there is quite a little menagerie here) are three small Sapajous, {90} two of which belong to the island; as abject and selfish as monkeys usually are, and as uninteresting; save for the plain signs which they give of being actuated by more than instinct,by a 'reasoning' power exactly like in kind, though not equal in degree, to that of man.

beside Occurrences 3%

A dirty canary chirps desolately in a cage beside me.

as Occurrences 2%

Another day, a lady gave Jack Morris a canary cage as a present for Carl.

through Occurrences 2%

Well, pa went in the round cage made of bar iron, and motioned to the attendants to send the animals into the cage through the chute from the animal quarters.

before Occurrences 2%

Once, during John's wedding-trip, we had stopped one evening in a little country-town, and while we were there, talking pleasantly by the open window, a mocking-bird, caged before a house across the way, had struck up a perfect symphony of his rich and multitudinous song.

within Occurrences 2%

The porter was drowsing on his bench within the lodge, but at the knock he roused himself and, opening the wicket, came hobbling forth and greeted the Knight, while a tame starling that hung in a wicker cage within piped out, "In coelo quies!

behind Occurrences 2%

He had gotten the fugitive safely caged behind a stout locked door.

against Occurrences 2%

The Pont au Change (then covered on each side with houses and shops occupied by goldsmiths and money-changers) was the place where these people carried on their trade; and they had the privilege of hanging their cages against the houses, even without the sanction of the proprietors.

over Occurrences 2%

Again, he would try persistently to drive the nail into the cement floor, and once by accident, when hammer and nails were left in his cage over night, he succeeded in making several holes in the bottom of his sheet iron water pan.

without Occurrences 1%

It wasn't a kind thing to do, for it is surely bad enough to be caged without having a sunshade poked at one, and evidently the tiger thought so, for it lashed its tail and its roars shook the cage.

amid Occurrences 1%

No, but the blue morning-glory opening in his cage amid the wistaria, communicates by subterranean filaments with this white convolvulus trembling above the pool.

around Occurrences 1%

So up the stair I sprang, paid my sixpence, and in a moment after found myself in the centre of the well-saw dusted area in the interior, gazing on the various birds and beasts in the cages around me.

down Occurrences 1%

There was an empty cage down in the cellar which had once housed a parrot, and into this the solemn-eyed creature was put.

Which preposition to use with  cage