Which preposition to use with carpeting

of Occurrences 192%

At times, I glanced behind me, into the growing dusk of the great, silent room, with its aeon-carpet of sleeping dust....

with Occurrences 103%

The roomas are the major part of themis richly carpeted with hand-made "Deventers" of artistic design and colour blend.

in Occurrences 48%

The deer love to lie down beneath its spreading branches; bright streams from the snow that is always near ripple through its groves, and bryanthus spreads precious carpets in its shade.

on Occurrences 45%

Weeds made a carpet on the avenue, and the dykes were broke by cattle at a dozen places.

from Occurrences 15%

The palace was finished by next day, and the genie carried him there and showed him all his orders faithfully carried out, even to the laying of a velvet carpet from Aladdin's palace to the Sultan's.

for Occurrences 14%

At length the floor was boarded; a strong thick door was fitted tight; a winding stair of deal inserted where the stone one had been, and cased in with planks, well pitched on the outside; and now Willie's mother was busy making little muslin curtains for his windows, and a carpet for the middle of the room.

at Occurrences 13%

Duval, even if we had not eaten at her restaurants, and though we had never bought a ribbon or a carpet at the Bon Marché, we had heard of the woman who helped break through old merchant habits and gave the world the department store.

under Occurrences 11%

" I left him kneeling there on the bridge, the bit of carpet under his knees, his two little cans at his side.

to Occurrences 10%

" "So am I," said Prue, hopping into the dining-room and amusing herself by stepping from one green pattern in the carpet to another green one, and then from one red to another red one, and then, as her summons did not come, from a green to a red and a red to a green, and still Aunt Prue did not call her.

before Occurrences 7%

Anyhow, Red Dog gazed interestedly and fixedly upon the gloriously soft carpet before him, and there came to his brain a sense of the wonderfully contrasting coloring.

by Occurrences 6%

The trees were dwarfed as I ascended; patches of the alpine bryanthus and cassiope began to appear, and arctic willows pressed into flat carpets by the winter snow.

beside Occurrences 5%

Hands in lap, head back against the mat of her chair, Mrs. Burkhardt looked straight ahead of her into this silenceat a closed door hung with a newspaper rack, at a black-walnut horsehair divan, a great sea-shell on the carpet beside it.

beneath Occurrences 5%

Chamaebatia foliolosa, a little shrub about a foot high, with flowers like the strawberry, makes handsome carpets beneath the pines, and seems to be a favorite with the bees; while pines themselves furnish unlimited quantities of pollen and honey-dew.

over Occurrences 4%

They would throw a piece of lighted paper on the floor, and I would crush it with my forepaws; and If the blaze was too large for that, I would drag a bit of old carpet over it and jump on it.

as Occurrences 4%

Considering the density of the forests, one may as easily take a general sketch of a room from underneath the carpet as of Trinidad from the ground.

into Occurrences 3%

Marjorie did not study astronomy by starlight, but she awoke very early and tripped with bare feet over the carpet into Miss Prudence's chamber.

near Occurrences 3%

When he awoke between nine and ten o'clock he perceived a buff envelope on the carpet near by him.

of Occurrences 2%

On all hands bleak, naked rock with tiny blossoms here and there between in the shallow soil and the carpeting of pygmy pine and flattened cedar.

round Occurrences 2%

In the bedrooms of those days, a narrow slip of carpet round the bed was the maximum of woollen integument allowed for protecting the feet of the midnight wanderer from his couch; and, in the staircases of the fairest mansions, a like slip meandered down the centre of the flight of steps.

inside Occurrences 1%

At times when it was brightest came troops of the natives, strange-looking figures, clad in hairy skins, and with sledges made out of hard fragments of ice; they brought skins to exchange, which the sailors were only too glad to use as warm carpets inside their snow houses, and as beds whereon they could rest under their snowy tents, while outside prevailed an intensity of cold such as we never experience during our severest winters.

during Occurrences 1%

Many physicians, I must own, recommend carpets during winter, though not in summer; and in no case, unless they are well shaken and aired, at least once a week.

out Occurrences 1%

'They are going to put the carpets out of window,' he wrote to Rogers, 'and break into Mrs. S.'s room and take me.

between Occurrences 1%

Mossed tree-trunks, leaning over the bustling stream; emerald moss carpets between the bronze dead leaves; all manner of mosses; mosses with little nightcaps; mosses like doll's ferns; mosses like plump cushions; and upon them here and there blazes the glowing red of the small peziza-cups.

about Occurrences 1%

Next to him leans a private, bare-legged and bare-headed, wearing only an old piece of carpet about his waist, a flannel shirt, and the uniform coat of a Spanish officer, from which he has cut the right sleeve in order to secure greater freedom for his arm.

than Occurrences 1%

She thinks it is better to have stains on her carpet than stains on their souls through any neglect of hers.

Which preposition to use with  carpeting