Which preposition to use with caterina

with Occurrences 2%

At the same time workmen came from Florence, some of whom are still alive; and I furnished the house which Julius gave me behind S. Caterina with beds and other furniture for the men, and what was wanted for the work of the tomb.

as Occurrences 1%

Indeed, there was a project, seriously entertained, seeing that the elder line of the Medici had failed to produce a male heir, of acknowledging Caterina as "Domina di Firenze," with a strong council of Regency to carry on the government in her name.

at Occurrences 1%

Nor should we neglect to notice the remarkable picture by Traini in S. Caterina at Pisa.

to Occurrences 1%

We possess a schedule of wine, wheat, and furniture found in his house, and handed over by the servant Caterina to his old friend Francesco Granacci for safe keeping.

Which preposition to use with  caterina