Which preposition to use with chiefly

by Occurrences 12%

The settlements were chiefly by agricultural communities, planted near the seaside, from New Haven to Pemaquid.

to Occurrences 11%

Arranged as the inscriptions will here be in historic sequence and with careful classification, it will be chiefly to this collection that the student of Christian antiquity will hereafter resort.

of Occurrences 7%

On Ethel's birthday she had a small party chiefly of girls of her own age who came and played and sang together and enjoyed such mild refreshments as sponge cake, jellies, tea, and the like.

in Occurrences 7%

The difference is chiefly in the preference which is given to them in cases of concurrence or occurrence of feasts of greater or of lesser rite.

for Occurrences 6%

As for the flourishing, Sir, of the Universitieswhat has been before said, aims not in the least at Gentlemen, whose coming thither is chiefly for the hopes of single [personal] improvement; and whose estates do free them from the necessity of making a gain of Arts and Sciences: but only at such as intend to make Learning their profession, as well as [their] accomplishment.

on Occurrences 5%

Offspring is likely to be used when our thought is chiefly on the children, progeny when our thought is chiefly on the parents.

as Occurrences 3%

Arnolfo's own unaided sculpture may be seen at its best in the ciborium in S. Paolo Fuori le Mura in Rome; but it is chiefly as an architect that he is now known.

with Occurrences 3%

An individual eques would lean to the senatorial faction or the faction of men too poor to keep a horse for cavalry service, just as his connexions were chiefly with the one or the other.

through Occurrences 3%

Knowledge, it is true, is not hereditary, but high mental qualities are so, and experience and observation seem to prove that the transmission is chiefly through the mother's side.

among Occurrences 2%

The apostles found hearers chiefly among the poor and despised,artisans, servants, soldiers, sailors,although occasionally persons of moderate independence became converts, especially women of the middle ranks.

from Occurrences 1%

I hesitated for a moment between a taxi and a motor bus, deciding in favour of the latter chiefly from motives of sentiment.

at Occurrences 1%

These people could not tell us much about the old manor-house; for, while possessing two of the finest plantations in the colonies, Shirley and Corotoman, they made their home chiefly at Williamsburg.

against Occurrences 1%

Its fight is chiefly against the inner, not the outer foeagainst sin and wrong-doing, impatience, strife, anger, clamor, meanness, evil-speaking, wrath.

Which preposition to use with  chiefly