Which preposition to use with cholera

in Occurrences 21%

It was difficult to tell which was the greater dangerfighting Indians on the prairie, or facing the cholera in camp; but the former was decidedly the more inviting.

at Occurrences 11%

All were old, discarded, and dirty, and the mere thought of putting on the clothes of some unknown Arab legionary, who, perhaps, had died of cholera at Mecca or Yemen, made me shudder.

from Occurrences 3%

To believe those women of the faubourg, every one into whom he injects his remedy gets the true cholera from it, without counting that they accuse him of having taken the devil into partnership.

on Occurrences 3%

At Stuttgardt they received the affecting intelligence of the decease of Elizabeth Dudley, who died of cholera on the 6th of the Ninth Month.

among Occurrences 2%

In reading the Report made by M. de Quatrefages in 1859, it is exceedingly interesting to observe that his elaborate study of the Pébrine forced the conviction upon his mind that, in its mode of occurrence and propagation, the disease of the silkworm is, in every respect, comparable to the cholera among mankind.

of Occurrences 2%

On his arrival the physician pronounced his disease to be cholera of the most virulent type, and the case to be almost without hope of recovery.

to Occurrences 2%

Thurnall attacks him; Major Campbell, Headley; the neighbours join in the cry; for there is no mistaking cause and effect there, and no one bears a great love to him; besides, terrified and conscience-stricken men are glad of a scapegoat; and some of those who were his stoutest backers in the vestry are now, in their terror, the loudest against him, ready to impute the whole cholera to him.

as Occurrences 1%

I stormed at him in English, and later Boggley stormed at him in Hindustani, and he vowed it would never happen again; but I dare say if I were to look round at this minute, I should find him doing exactly the same thing; and I don't really care so long as neither of us perishes with cholera as a result.

under Occurrences 1%

India it has been employed as a remedy against cholera under the name of Papecta."

amongst Occurrences 1%

The rain, which had begun on the 3rd, continued almost without intermission, our camp becoming a quagmire, and the muggy, moist atmosphere increasing the ravages of cholera amongst our unfortunate soldiers.

than Occurrences 1%

An aqueduct given to a center of population like Naples is a better protection against cholera than drugs, even after the disease has taken root in the midst of the people of Naples.

with Occurrences 1%

The scare was not creditable; it was like the Italian scare about cholera with its quarantines and fumigations; but it was natural.

during Occurrences 1%

He was attacked by cholera during an epidemic.

by Occurrences 1%

The last great Chinese massacre took place in 1819, when the aliens were suspected of having brought about the cholera by poisoning the wells.

Which preposition to use with  cholera