Which preposition to use with christopher

of Occurrences 6%

For that drunken ruffian, whom you, a drunken ruffian yourself, leaped into the sea to save, Christ bade you leap, and like St. Christopher of old, you bore, though you knew it not, your Saviour and your God to land."

in Occurrences 4%

Sir Christopher in "Inkle and Yarico," by the younger Colman; Old Dornton in Holcroft's "Road to Ruin.

by Occurrences 2%

The wolf's head and the queen, retold by John-Martin, pseud. of Morgan Shepard, from Child Christopher by William Morris.

for Occurrences 1%

I was masqued, mad and raving at Christopher for not mending my bag-pipe, and I rushed swearing after him and Mistress Penwick heard my oaths, my broad Scotch ones thou knowest I love to use when in anger.

on Occurrences 1%

That was why the academy shut up for a week, and that was what started Christopher on his way home for an unexpected holiday.

about Occurrences 1%

And anon as the devil saw the cross he was afeard and fled, and left the right way, and brought Christopher about by a sharp desert.

to Occurrences 1%

Then went Christopher to this river, and made there his habitacle for him, and bare a great pole in his hand instead of a staff, by which he sustained him in the water, and bare over all manner of people without ceasing.

after Occurrences 1%

To-day Wilson, Oates, Cherry-Garrard, and Crean have gone to Hut Point with their ponies, Oates getting off with Christopher after some difficulty.

before Occurrences 1%

She looked up and saw Christopher before her.

Which preposition to use with  christopher