Which preposition to use with clique

of Occurrences 29%

And if, as the Allies would doubtless say, there was really no need for any such panic, the situation was obviously sufficiently grave to be easily made use of by a military class for its own ends, or by an armaments ring or a clique of financiers for theirs.

at Occurrences 6%

In the first place we disputed in cliques at home and within our walls, and later we exported this plague to the camps.

in Occurrences 6%

Many Germans struggled to overthrow the military clique in Germany, and some of them are among the most gentle-hearted, kindly souls it has ever been my good fortune to meet.

against Occurrences 4%

We want an end to this economic strategy, we want an end to this plotting of Governmental cliques against the general welfare.

under Occurrences 2%

The Northern Ch'i dynasty; the Northern Chou dynasty (F) The southern empires 1 Economic and social situation in the south 2 Struggles between cliques under the Eastern Chin dynasty (A.D. 317-419) 3

until Occurrences 1%

The actual government was in the hands of a general and his clique until the death of the heir to the throne, and at the beginning of his successor's reign.

with Occurrences 1%

Gentry cliques now extended into the provinces and it often became possible to identify a clique with a geographical area, which, however, usually did not indicate particularistic tendencies.

after Occurrences 1%

This was followed by a still sharper division between north and south: while a wave of non-Chinese nomad dynasties poured over the north, in the south one Chinese clique after another seized power, so that dynasty followed dynasty until finally, in 580, a united China came again into existence, adopting the culture of the north and the traditions of the gentry.

within Occurrences 1%

Although they recognized the internal weakness of the Nationalist government, the fighting between cliques within the government, and the ever-increasing corruption, some advocated more help to the Nationalists and a firm attitude against the communists.

among Occurrences 1%

His elders treated him with consideration, while the younger men envied him, for there were also cliques among them.

around Occurrences 1%

No Toba thought of collecting a large clique around himself; everybody should be the artificer of his own fortune.

by Occurrences 1%

The "Edinburgh Review" seems to have been first suggested over a quiet bottle of wine; and at a later day the Edinburgh reviewers, increased in number by the accession of Mackintosh and one or two others, formed an honored clique by themselves in the splendid society of Holland House.

than Occurrences 1%

Such fights, however, reflected more the power struggle between cliques than between religious groups.

Which preposition to use with  clique