Which preposition to use with communings

with Occurrences 15%

We may not have literary, artistic, or scientific skill to present to others the results of our communings with Nature, but the joy of this sympathetic indrawing will nevertheless produce a corresponding outflow manifesting itself in the happier look and kindlier mien of him who thus realizes his oneness with every aspect of the whole.

for Occurrences 1%

It was the direct result of the searchings of heart and the communings for seven years, from 1826 to 1833, of the three men who have been the subject of this chapter.

in Occurrences 1%

Wonder not If high the transport, great the joy I felt, 410 Communing in this sort through earth and heaven With every form of creature, as it looked Towards the Uncreated with a countenance Of adoration, with an eye of love.

as Occurrences 1%

[Illustration: Rosine] Christmas-trees seemed not to be greatly in demand in Versailles, and many were the whispered communings as to what les Anglais proposed doing with the tree after they had bought it.

on Occurrences 1%

" Of the heart-communings on sacred things that made that summer so memorable to me I can not speak; and yet, more than anything else, these gave a distinctive character to our intercourse.

over Occurrences 1%

" We catch a glimpse of those communings over "our Sophocles the royal," "our Aeschylus the thunderous," "our Euripides the human," and "my Plato the divine one," in her pretty poem of "Wine of Cyprus," addressed to Mr. Boyd.

of Occurrences 1%

They said little or nothing, but long after they thought of it as a bright spot in their dreary winter in the Bay of Mercyas a day in which they had enjoyed earnest, glad, and sober communings of heart.

Which preposition to use with  communings