Which preposition to use with compatible

with Occurrences 256%

They have a genial but indifferent dignity, quite compatible with courtesy and friendly ways.

avec Occurrences 2%

Nous sommes prêts à accepter les conditions austro-hongroises qui sont compatibles avec la situation d'un Etat indépendant, ainsi que celles dont l'acception nous sera conseillée par Votre Majesté; toutes les personnes dont la participation à l'attentat sera démontrée seront sévèrement punis par nous.

as Occurrences 1%

Of course, Scraps and dignity are about as compatible as oil and water, but her words were certainly fitting to the occasion.

at Occurrences 1%

I recommend them particularly to the consideration of Congress, believing that although there may be ground for controversy with regard to the application of the engagements of the treaty to the case, yet a liberal construction of those engagements would be compatible at once with a conciliatory and a judicious policy.

than Occurrences 1%

He feels himself allied with them in taste; religion, customs, and legislation all give him opportunity to exercise his versatility, and since neither the gods nor the philosophers, and neither the nation nor the nations are any more compatible than politicians and soldiers, he everywhere finds the desired opportunity, amid his apparent doubts and jests, of repeatedly inculcating his equitable, tolerant, human doctrines.

Which preposition to use with  compatible