Which preposition to use with compound

of Occurrences 355%

Is it best to go roundabout, or forward with such a nice compound of innocence, boldness and modesty as shall satisfy the beast?

with Occurrences 57%

Prithee, good Matron, Peace; I'll compound with thee.

for Occurrences 41%

Nay, now wou'd I compound for my Life, at any rate, by Fortune.

in Occurrences 20%

Mary soon began to visit the different yards or compounds in Duke Town.

from Occurrences 8%

The Anglo-Saxons, by the use of prefixes, formed ten compounds from their verb fl=owan, "to flow."

into Occurrences 6%

These two events were, by the subreasoning faculty, compounded into one, according to the established rulethat things which agree in their parts, also correspond as to the whole;hence the Pope's visit, was changed into a visit made to me.

out Occurrences 5%

The very tempest in my ears was compounded out of ships at sea and wreck and pillage.

by Occurrences 5%

The process of undergoing an effervescent change, as by the action of yeast; in a wider sense, the change of organized substances into new compounds by the action of a ferment.

between Occurrences 4%

The white-washed wooden house stood near the bank, with a stockaded compound between it and the water.

as Occurrences 3%

We may instance such a compound as =ar-ge-bland (=ar, "oar"; blendan, "to blend"), which conveys the idea of the companionship of the oar with the sea.

to Occurrences 2%

Words are compounded to a much greater extent than in ordinary prose writing.

on Occurrences 2%

He used to use it when a boy in catching birds by putting the briny compound on the tails of the same, and that he used to call "fun alive;" but he don't see itthe saltabout PUNCHINELLO.

under Occurrences 2%

It has been found possible to gradually range most carbon compounds under two categories, either as marsh-gas or as benzol derivatives, as fatty compounds or as aromatic compounds.

at Occurrences 2%

But after a tentative sip of the compound at hand, she decided that it must have been something elsedoubtless "a glass of sparkling wine."

during Occurrences 1%

That doesn't sound very kind, does it?" Johnnie's resolution, however, was not particularly remarkable; the verses, compounded during an attack of asthma, running as follows: AUGUSTUS JOHN CONFESSES TO LOSS OF APPETITE.

than Occurrences 1%

It is interesting as showing that German no more abhors Teuto-Latin or Teuto-Romance compounds than English.

without Occurrences 1%

[FORMULENot proper, because the word evilthinking, which has more than one accented syllable, is here compounded without the hyphen.

Which preposition to use with  compound