Which preposition to use with concentrations

of Occurrences 274%

We came to what was really a curiositytwo kinds of trees growing from one trunk, which this concentration of bores, this mitrailleuse, in fact, improved accordingly.

in Occurrences 19%

Men have preached to one another for a hundred years and more and practiced so successfully the concentration in industry of unlimited machinery with a few hands, that even mother knows some of the truths in regard to the creation of wealth in the business world, and she is probably not incapable of drawing a conclusion from her own experience in the transfer of work from the home to the factory.

on Occurrences 13%

The aspects of life are more separated, and concentration on individual ones is commoner; this means more separation into subjects, and thus a child is more willing to be organised, and to have his day to some extent arranged for him.

at Occurrences 3%

General Chetwode ordered a brigade of the 60th Division to capture Mukhmas as a preliminary to a concentration at that place.

by Occurrences 3%

"I deeply deplore the very serious losses which the British forces suffered in this great battle, but they were inevitable, in view of the fact that the British armyonly a few days after concentration by railwas called upon to withstand the vigorous attack of five German army corps.

as Occurrences 2%

Intense mental occupation, concentration as the popular term has it, acts as a patent excitor of the attack.

for Occurrences 2%

Khalasa and Asluj being water centres became the points of concentration for two mounted divisions, and the splendid Colonials in the engineer sections worked at the wells as if the success of the whole enterprise depended upon their efforts, as, indeed, to a very large extent it did.

off Occurrences 1%

Against the probability of this was to be set the reluctance of Napoleon to carry out an eccentric operation which a concentration off Toulon would necessitate, when the essence of his scheme was to concentrate in a position from which he could obtain naval control of the English Channel.

round Occurrences 1%

It is clear that this was a disproportionate concentration round the capital.

than Occurrences 1%

There they were in strength, and it was our weakest point; whereas, on the side near the Jumna, we were protected from being turned by having the river on our flank, better cover for operations, and, moreover, batteries to silence which were less powerful and more difficult of concentration than those which faced us on our right from the city walls and from the suburb of Kishenganj.

to Occurrences 1%

In the course of its peregrinations, it becomes a potential poison, potential because it is never allowed to grow in concentration to the danger point.

under Occurrences 1%

During our walk home my friend was unusually thoughtful and silent, and his face bore a look of concentration under which I thought I could detect, in spite of his habitually impassive expression, a certain suppressed excitement of a not entirely unpleasurable kind.

until Occurrences 1%

Apparently the enemy knew very little about the concentration until about October 26, and even then he could have had only slight knowledge of the extent of our movements, and probably knew nothing at all of where the first blow was to fall.

about Occurrences 1%

Desert Mounted Corps will move on the night of Z-1=Zero day from the area of concentration about Khalasa and Asluj so as to co-operate with XXth Corps by attacking Beersheba with two divisions and one mounted brigade.

within Occurrences 1%

Thus we see him some few days later on a late afternoon, with back bent nearly double, eyes fixed steadily on the ground and his face a perfect mirror of thoughtful concentration within, slowly walking along the tiny footpath which wound in and out the groups of majestic elms in the park.

above Occurrences 1%

As Landor is distinguished by concentration above all the English poets who have made trial of the classic Muse, so Mantegna holds a place apart among Italian painters because of his stern Roman self-control.

along Occurrences 1%

He will be aided by practicing concentration along the general lines of the best occult teaching.

before Occurrences 1%

Only patience and skilful development of known sources of supply would surmount the water difficulty, and we had to wait till the period of concentration before commencing its solution.

during Occurrences 1%

His concentration during his three months' study of the play which he had in view was marvelous.

into Occurrences 1%

But this cryptic intelligence does not belong to the particular form excepting in the measure in which it is physically fitted for its concentration into self-recognizing individuality: it lies hidden in that primordial substance of which the visible form is a grosser manifestation.

near Occurrences 1%

The verdict of Lee's troops afterward was, that the enemy fought badly; but General French probably desired nothing better than to shake off this hornets'-nest into which he had stumbled, and to reach, in the time prescribed by General Meade, the point of Federal concentration near Robertson's Tavern.

Which preposition to use with  concentrations