Which preposition to use with concise

in Occurrences 8%

She was very concise in her Demands, insisting only that the Disposal of my Fortune, and the Regulation of my Family, should be entirely in her Hands.

for Occurrences 1%

The author of this useful work, which appears not to have been seen by Lowndes, says, in his advertisement, "The works which are already extant on Ecclesiastical Law, being either too diffuse or too concise for ready reference and practical use, the compiler of this volume has endeavored to remedy this defect by the publication of the following compendium.

of Occurrences 1%

With these startling remarks Blake opens what is the most intelligible and concise of all the prophetic books, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

than Occurrences 1%

"Your note was rather more concise than lucid; but I suppose you wrote it in a hurry.

Which preposition to use with  concise