Which preposition to use with contentments

in Occurrences 36%

GUSTIBUS blows gently the foliage aside, and gives us glimpses through it of rural contentment in connection with a mill, or some other interesting object beyond.

of Occurrences 33%

The Contentment of a Poor Recluse The Disappointed Lover A Love-Song The Lament of a Lover BOOK XIII.THE ODES OF KWEI The Wish of an Unhappy Man BOOK XIV.THE ODES OF TS'AOU.

with Occurrences 28%

" "If," I rejoined at last, "you think it a kindness to her, and are sure she will so think it; if you wish it, and will avouch her contentment with a place in the household of one who does not desire her, I will comply with this as with any wish of yours.

at Occurrences 6%

The Doctor, of course, experienced great contentment at beholding his children made happy, his house well kept and ordered, his table spread with plentiful supplies of savory victuals, and all his domestic concerns managed with sagacity and prudence, by one upon whose goodwill and ability to promote his welfare he could rely with implicit confidence.

on Occurrences 6%

One thing is certain in all this interplay of forcesthat it is too late in the day to suppress Southern Slav national consciousness, and that there can never be durable peace and contentment on the eastern Adriatic until the unity of the race has been achieved.

to Occurrences 6%

And, trust mee, Ladyes, you will find In that sweet life more sollid joyes, More true contentment to the minde, Then all Towne-Toyes.

among Occurrences 4%

But I make bold to affirm that so general is the belief that, under the present circumstances of our commercial condition, the colonists pay a heavy pecuniary fine for their fidelity to Great Britain, that nothing but the existence to an unwonted degree of political contentment among the masses has prevented the cry for annexation from spreading, like wildfire, through the Province.

for Occurrences 4%

Sir Edward and Lady Moseley could see nothing in the prospect of the future but lives of peace and contentment for their children.

than Occurrences 3%

The wastes, storms, and floods, the unthankful, sandy, moory country, must of themselves make the people more serious, more enterprising, more capable of contentment than in the south, where Nature is not so like a step-mother, nay, has flattered her favourites, thereby rendering them light-minded, indolent, and desirous of enjoying.

as Occurrences 2%

His success doth not give him so much contentment as provocation; neither can he be at rest so long as he hath one, either to overlook, or to match, or to emulate him.

without Occurrences 2%

Mr. Popham himself accounted for his contentment without insulting his intelligence.

under Occurrences 2%

And we hope that, while the progress of contentment under the law in question is as obvious as it is rational, no particular part of the community may be permitted to withdraw from the general burthens of the country by a conduct as irreconcilable to national justice as it is inconsistent with public decency.

into Occurrences 1%

There nearly all that has brought joy and peace and contentment into our lives was born to us.

around Occurrences 1%

"I've a sort of notion that Mrs. Merston is not a person to spread contentment around her under any circumstances.

from Occurrences 1%

All the beauty had gone out of the sea and the sky for him, all the contentment from his mind; and yet he was in no position to rebel against Fatein no position to say directly or indirectly, 'Don Gomez de Montesma, I don't want you here, and I must request you to transfer yourself elsewhither.' Lesbia's feelings were curiously different.

across Occurrences 1%

He swam rivers and grazed in contentment across flowery prairies, mesas and broken country.

over Occurrences 1%

And, though the old differences of temperament and interest had not lessened, the two had reached a fine contentment over each other's purposes.

Which preposition to use with  contentments