Which preposition to use with convents

of Occurrences 269%

But it was probably established not there, but in a monastery in the neighbourhood, Dair-er-Raociat (convent of the shepherds) or in Seiar-en-Ganheim (enclosure of the sheep).

at Occurrences 56%

His body rests in the garden of the French convent at Ramleh not far from the spot where humbler soldiers take their long repose, and these graves within visual range of the tomb of St. George, our patron saint, will stand as memorials of those Britons who forsook ease to obey the stern call of duty to their race and country.

in Occurrences 53%

When they came to the gates of a convent in their neighbourhood, there they saw Antipholis and Dromio, as they thought, being again deceived by the likeness of the twin-brothers.

for Occurrences 24%

Then Lucie, now nineteen years old, and full of mystical exaltation, had already entered an Ursuline convent for her novitiate.

to Occurrences 17%

And when, having refused to go to Rome for reconciliationbeing not penitentor for preferment, which would not come without penitence, Fra Paolo still pursued, unmoved, the quiet tenor of his daily round, from convent to palace, without pause or tremor, in spite of continued warning;"My life," he said, "is in the hands of God.

on Occurrences 12%

A tremendous volley from the tête de pont in front, and the convent on the flank, then forced them to await the arrival of the rest of the division.

with Occurrences 12%

Madame de Miramion, a pious lady, often visited the convent with charitable intent.

near Occurrences 7%

The door to success was at last opened to him by a friendly and sympathetic friar of a Franciscan convent near the little port of Palos, in Andalusia.

as Occurrences 5%

But he was chiefly known in that convent as a weeper.

from Occurrences 4%

At Subiaco he comes upon this scene: "Upon a solitary seat (a fit place for meditation and study), by a gate which shut the part of the terrace near the convent from that which goes round the hill, sat a monk with his book.

than Occurrences 3%

This prince had neither the abilities nor the vigour of his father; and was better qualified for governing a convent than a kingdom [n].

without Occurrences 3%

Their convents were hotels as well as bee-hives; any stranger could remain two nights at a convent without compensation and without being questioned.

of Occurrences 2%

She asked to be received at the Convents of the Augustinians at Borken, of the Trappists at Darfeld, and of the Poor Clares at Munster; but her poverty, and that of these convents, always presented an insuperable obstacle to her being received.

before Occurrences 2%

A monk was showing the relics of his convent before a numerous assembly; the most rare, in his opinion, was a hair of the Holy Virgin, which he appeared to show to the people present, opening his hands as if he were drawing it through them.

by Occurrences 2%

"It is not the way I meant to avenge myself," said Milady, as she hastily left the convent by the back gate, "but, ma foi, we do what we must!"

into Occurrences 2%

The element of the unusual in the young Paolo's endowments had transformed this Benjamin of the convent into a hero, and surrounded the calm flow of his studious life with a halo of romance for these Servite friars; yet the good Fra Giulio in those early days, having little learning wherewith to estimate his progress and watching over him like a father, had been grieved at his strange placidity.

over Occurrences 2%

At noon the Belgian First Division moved forward and Thompson and I, leaving the car in front of a convent over which the Red Cross flag was flying, moved forward with it.

until Occurrences 2%

These three individuals, being the poorest of the Community, did not leave the convent until the spring of 1812.

throughout Occurrences 1%

I hazarded in that language, knowing that in most convents throughout Europe French is known.

during Occurrences 1%

No questions are ever asked, and it has twice happened to me that I have lodged at a Greek convent during the most rigid fasts of the Church, when the inmates sat down to a dinner of herbs and dry bread, while to me was given the best their resources could compassa roast lamb or kid, generally.

under Occurrences 1%

No nun in a convent under vows of abstinence ever practiced more rigorous self-denial than she did in the restraints and government of intellectual tastes and desires.

after Occurrences 1%

It was in this monastic bottega that Fra Bartolommeo, in concert with his friend Albertinelli, worked for the benefit of the convent after the year 1506.

beside Occurrences 1%

Diessenhofen don't please him,no, nor the convent beside it.

within Occurrences 1%

Nun she was of her state, a gentlewoman of right holy life, and lodged in a convent within the walls of their city.

among Occurrences 1%

They were standing on the terrace of a convent among the hills beyond the plains of Venetia, and the view was beautiful and new for the youth.

Which preposition to use with  convents