Which preposition to use with cool

of Occurrences 139%

Sauntering in the Shasta bee-lands in the sun-days of summer, one may readily infer the time of day from the comparative energy of bee-movements alonedrowsy and moderate in the cool of the morning, increasing in energy with the ascending sun, and, at high noon, thrilling and quivering in wild ecstasy, then gradually declining again to the stillness of night.

in Occurrences 108%

It struck me, as a peculiar thing, that the sun should cool in evenly defined rings; until I remembered that, possibly, they were but isolated patches, to which the enormous rotatory speed of the sun had imparted a belt-like appearance.

as Occurrences 63%

Men are becoming cooler and cooler as a class, I mean.

to Occurrences 42%

A moment later a wave of lava, white-hot, red, iridescent, cooling to a black crust cracked in incandescence, rolled majestically out over the grassy plain.

than Occurrences 40%

Up in the mountains it was much cooler than in the valley.

with Occurrences 33%

However, the admiral was very much put out, and was very cool with us both for a long time.

on Occurrences 30%

The sea-breeze that usually comes up the foot-hills at this season, with cooling on its wings, was scarcely perceptible.

for Occurrences 20%

The bacon-rinds were boiled in the mush-pot with a great deal of snow and a little meal, and the "soup" so concocted was set out to cool for the dogs.

at Occurrences 18%

You recall my sour looks, but it was because I had myself lingered on the volumes but cooled at the price.

under Occurrences 14%

"They were all as cool under heavy shell fire as if they had been rowing on the Grand Canal."

before Occurrences 14%

The fireplace was its portal and he seemed to wait for the fires to cool before entering into its possession.

by Occurrences 11%

Where very great attention is paid to the dairy, the milk-coolers are used larger in winter, when it is desirable to retard the cooling down and increase the creamy deposit, and smaller in summer, to hasten it; the temperature required being from 55° to 50°, In summer it is sometimes expedient, in very sultry weather, to keep the dairy fresh and cool by suspending cloths dipped in chloride of lime across the room.

into Occurrences 11%

The popular opinion, that it is safest to go perfectly cool into the water, is founded on erroneous notions, and is sometimes productive of injurious consequences.

toward Occurrences 8%

On his return to Rome in 1508, Michelangelo had found Julius II not cooled toward him, but preoccupied by new projects.

after Occurrences 6%

Here time was as nothing; here sunset and sunrise were as incidents of an uncalendared, everlasting day; here chaotic grandeur was that of the earth's crust when it cooled after the last convulsive movement of genesis.

from Occurrences 6%

Much of the rock appeared as if it had only just been cooled from a state of fusion; there was also a quantity of tuffo rock, similar to that in the neighbourhood of Naples.

about Occurrences 5%

Put the thing away for a year, come on it suddenly as a stranger might, and you will perhaps understand why Thomas seemed so cool about it.

during Occurrences 5%

And, under the tufts of this feeble vegetation, the ancient pavement did not cool during the whole summer, smoking from sunset, exhaling in the night the heat stored up from so many sultry noons.

towards Occurrences 5%

The Quarterly began to cool towards the author.

beneath Occurrences 4%

The road was hot and dusty and his journey had been long, for that day he had come all the way from Leicester Town, a good twenty miles and more; wherefore young Partington was right glad when he saw before him a sweet little inn, all shady and cool beneath the trees, in front of the door of which a sign hung pendant, bearing the picture of a blue boar.

without Occurrences 3%

Saccho friget Venus (love grows cool without bread and wine).

between Occurrences 2%

Now fold the paste in three, and roll out again, and, should the weather be very warm, put it in a cold place on the ground to cool between the several turns; for, unless this is particularly attended to, the paste will be spoiled.

over Occurrences 2%

He supposes the surface air intensely cooled over the continental and Barrier areas, and the edge of this cold region lapped by warmer air from the southern limits of Lockyer's cyclones.

below Occurrences 2%

The custom is ancient, although I was not able to ascertain its origin or the reason why the priests do not allow the pudding to cool below the danger point before serving it.

beside Occurrences 1%

In a store-room were enough provisions to stock a grocery-store and Patsy noted with amazement that there was ice in the refrigerator, with cream and milk and butter cooling beside it.

Which preposition to use with  cool