Which preposition to use with corsets

of Occurrences 6%

Instead, therefore, of tearing it in pieces, and throwing it into the water, she folded it carefully up, and placed it in the pretty corset of white satin, which seems the natural escritoire of a shepherdess in her teens.

in Occurrences 2%

He ripped up the foreign corset in a truculent manner.

about Occurrences 1%

If God takes such particular care of us that he numbers our very hairs, he must be very much grieved to see any one put a corset about her waist.

as Occurrences 1%

There she sat facing me once more, "a feasting presence made of light"her hair like a golden wheat sheaf, her eyes like blue flowers amid the wheat, and her bosom, by no means parsimoniously concealed, literally suggesting that the loveliness of all the water lilies in the world was amassed there within her corset as in some precious casket.

at Occurrences 1%

* "12 Feet Corsets at a ridiculous price of Re. 1 each, all sizes.

on Occurrences 1%

His handkerchief, scribblers and pencils mysteriously disappeared, but other articles came in their place: a small round mirror advertising corsets on the back (Gordon Smith said pigeons liked a looking-glassit made them more contented to stay at home); a small swing out of a birdcage, which was duly put in place (vendor Miss Edie Beal, owner unknown).

Which preposition to use with  corsets