Which preposition to use with creepiest

about Occurrences 2%

"There's nothing creepy about his aeroplane work, though," laughed Roy, "I shouldn't have believed he could have picked up so much in such a short time.

as Occurrences 2%

There are the usual "goose-flesh" accompaniments of haunted rooms, secret doors, sliding panels, mysterious figures behind old pictures, and a subterranean passage leading to a vault, dark and creepy as a tomb.

at Occurrences 1%

I admit feeling a little creepy at the time, myself; but it was all a joke and really we ought not to mind it at all.

en Occurrences 1%

he passed me, en waited at de corner I war a feeling creepy en wanter run but jes couldn't git my laigs ter move en wen I'se git ter de corner war he war I said 'Good Ebening' en I seed him plain es day en de did not speak en jes disappeared right fore my eyes.

for Occurrences 1%

The story is told that one poor wretch was eaten alive by gigantic rats, and they have a ghastly reproduction of it in wax, which makes you creepy for a week after you have seen it.

in Occurrences 1%

"Don't you remember how you've said right along that you weren't afraid of ghosts?" "Well, I'm not," said Billie stoutly, while her eyes searched the far corners of the room which were beginning to get very indistinct and creepy in the flickering uncertain light of the fast shortening candles.

to Occurrences 1%

He was too frightened and shivery and creepy to sleep.

Which preposition to use with  creepiest