Which preposition to use with crow

in Occurrences 50%

Then she arose to take him, and found a crow in the cradle.

of Occurrences 29%

But Angelo replied, "We must not make a scare-crow of the law, setting it up to frighten birds of prey, till custom, finding it harmless, makes it their perch, and not their terror.

over Occurrences 21%

"Oh, yes, you can crow over me now," she shouted shrilly above the buzz of comment and suggestion.

on Occurrences 19%

In this category may be included the copper-colored Crows on our Western frontier.

like Occurrences 18%

" Hardly had the words been uttered when some one in the passage outside crowed like a cock.

with Occurrences 17%

George knew much more Latin and Greek than his master; Harry, who could take much greater liberties than were allowed to his elder brother, mimicked Ward's manner of eating and talking, so that Mrs. Mountain and even Madame Esmond were forced to laugh, and little Fanny Mountain would crow with delight.

from Occurrences 9%

An ordinary scarecrow will not keep our crow from anything worth a little risk.

for Occurrences 9%

Indeed, any one who should watch the motions of the Crow for the space of five minutes, either when he is stalking alone in the field, or when he is careering with his fellows around some tall tree in the forest, would acknowledge that he deserves to be called a grave bird.

to Occurrences 8%

The last stanza, 'The cocks did crow to-whoo, to-whoo, and the sun did shine so cold,' was the foundation of the whole.

as Occurrences 7%

A Greek author has described the Crow as a cheese-eaterbut that's a fable.

at Occurrences 6%

Oh! if pheasants had but understanding, how they would split their sides with chuckling and crowing at the follies which civilised Christian men perpetrate for their precious sake!

about Occurrences 4%

Then the fox told the crows about Thumbietot, and said that if they could bring him to the heath he would open the crock for them.

by Occurrences 4%

For the cock, ever watchful, even in the depth of night, giveth notice how the hours pass, waketh the sleepers, predicteth the approach of day,but first exciteth himself to crow by striking his sides with his wings.

into Occurrences 3%

He put four little ivory crows into the Boy's hands.

before Occurrences 3%

It did not clap or crow before its time.

than Occurrences 2%

Several of the old hands signified their assent to this suggestion by a grunt, although to unaccustomed eyes the objects in question looked more like crows than horsemen, and their motion was for some time scarcely perceptible.

after Occurrences 2%

A Bastard have I by her; and that Cocke Will have (I feare) sharpe spurres, if he crow after Him that trod for him.

through Occurrences 1%

the crows through the blueness wing); Yet these were late as bold, as gay; But Mosbya clip, and grass is hay.

out Occurrences 1%

No, thou art a mere mark for good wits to shoot at: and in that suit thou wilt make a fine man to dash poor crows out of countenance.

under Occurrences 1%

It cannot be Imitation; for though you hatch a Crow under a Hen, and never let it see any of the Works of its own Kind, the Nest it makes shall be the same, to the laying of a Stick, with all the other Nests of the same Species.

until Occurrences 1%

Haymo saith that Paul, from the cock-crow until the hour of five, he labored with his hands, and after entended to preaching, and that endured almost to night, the residue of the time was for to eat, sleep, and for prayer, which was necessary.

Which preposition to use with  crow