Which preposition to use with curtain

of Occurrences 398%

The fiery, gloomy curtain of flame that hung quaking overhead, and down away into the Southern sky, began to thin and contract; and, in it, as one sees the fast vibrations of a jarred harp-string, I saw once more the sun-stream quivering, giddily, North and South.

at Occurrences 64%

There was much discussion and at first the children suggested making them all different, but they agreed that curtains at windows were usually alike.

in Occurrences 58%

Such is the cradle of the little mountaineer, aloft in the very sky; rocked in storms, curtained in clouds, sleeping in thin, icy air; but, wrapped in his hairy coat, and nourished by a strong, warm mother, defended from the talons of the eagle and the teeth of the sly coyote, the bonny lamb grows apace.

with Occurrences 48%

Your earliest practice, it may be, was in rigging the parlor hangings as a curtain with brown string from the pantry and safety pins.

for Occurrences 34%

With the stiff curtains for wing-scenes and the lights concealed, the end of the room made a proscenium: it was like looking at a drawing-room comedy on the stage.

on Occurrences 30%

The traverse was merely a pair of curtains on a rod.

over Occurrences 27%

She hung a curtain over the door.

from Occurrences 24%

She listened for a long time and then gentlyvery gentlyshe crept out of bed and drew aside the little curtain from the window.

to Occurrences 23%

They so longed to put undebatable ground behind them and really be where the distant coppice might be a curtain to the enemy!

before Occurrences 12%

Was it pride that had turned it into a mask, and drawn a curtain before the light that burned within, or had the light burned out and left it merely cold and unresponsive?

between Occurrences 12%

Be that as it may, it swept down upon the cruiser, thickening as it approached, until presently it had spread a curtain between the warship and its charge.

behind Occurrences 11%

She had once been photographed at her writing-table, with a curtain behind her, and her face turned to the door.

across Occurrences 10%

Look at those clouds that are rising over the western hills, and gradually spreading like a curtain across the sky.

into Occurrences 8%

But when he carried the same rigid exclusiveness of attention to the stage business, and wilful blindness and oblivion of everything before the curtain into his comedy, it produced a harsh and dissonant effect.

round Occurrences 6%

I must await the coming of the hours when God maketh the darkness to curtain round the earth, that He may come down and walk in "the groves and grounds that His own feet have hallowed," that He may look near at what the children of men will to do.

about Occurrences 6%

Beside the window looking out upon a gray-brick wall almost within reach, a canary with a white-fluted curtain about the cage dozed headless.

like Occurrences 3%

The bed was like the warm, soft breast of a snow-white swan, and its drawn curtains like folded wings.

as Occurrences 3%

The performance was to be by amateurs, and a written programme had been sent from house to house during the day; and this had announced the curtain as sure to rise at eight.

beyond Occurrences 3%

Thereafter the hinge creaked again and they stood side by side within a small chamber where was a doorway hung across with heavy curtains beyond which a light burned.

up Occurrences 2%

He clambered up on the table, and swung with the help of the curtains up to the window-shelf.

under Occurrences 2%

In that apartment richly-carved furniture was mixed up with pieces of wall and pieces of curtain under a thick layer of white dust.

above Occurrences 1%

Her gaze was riveted, and would not move, from a little curtain above the wash-stand, a guard against splashing crudely embroidered in a little hand-in-hand boy and girl.

among Occurrences 1%

So I've had them down here on the curtain among the girls.

around Occurrences 1%

When the horses had struggled as far as this point, the snow was six inches deep on the road, and made a thick curtain around them as it fell.

against Occurrences 1%

The light cloud of smoke, drawn up to the roof-hole, ascended behind her, forming an azure gray curtain against which her figure showed, round-wristed and full-throated.

Which preposition to use with  curtain