Which preposition to use with deducting

from Occurrences 58%

When the accident happened she had not completed her week's work, so eighteenpence was deducted from her wages!

for Occurrences 12%

Should it, however, be deemed expedient, from causes just in their nature, hereafter to exonerate the natives from the obligations of paying tributes, by which means the amount deducted for the three per cent.

in Occurrences 4%

This gain has been deducted in the following table, and all fractions less than 1/4 omitted: Kilos.

out Occurrences 4%

" I have indeed lived nominally fifty years, but deduct out of them the hours which I have lived to other people, and not to myself, and you will find me still a young fellow.

therefrom Occurrences 3%

This stock, resold at the monopoly prices, yields a sum equal to about one million of dollars, and deducting therefrom the prime cost and all other expenses, legally chargeable on this branch, the net proceeds in favor of the revenue amount to $550,000 or upwards of one hundred twenty-two per cent.

at Occurrences 2%

Another exception to the general requirement of a complete declaration of income covers the case of the taxpayer whose entire income has been assessed and the tax on it deducted at the source.

as Occurrences 2%

One third of this was deducted as an allowance for the probabilities of death, and sickness, leaving one hundred and four dollars as the price of his redemption.

on Occurrences 1%

Sear the cut surfaces and proceed as directed on page 397, cooking twenty minutes to the pound if it is to be rare, less half an hour deducted on account of soaring.

Which preposition to use with  deducting