Which preposition to use with designing

of Occurrences 1415%

Let no man say that this or that law, or operation of nature, were better changed, until he can fathom the designs of God; till he can create a planet, and send it on its everlasting round; till he can place a star in the firmament; till he can breathe upon a statue, the workmanship of his own hands, and be obeyed when he commands it to walk forth a thing of life; till he can dip his hand into chaos and throw off worlds.

for Occurrences 711%

If a man desires above all things to conduit a great business, he is by nature qualified for trade; if he desires knowledge, he is designed for a scholar; if he is always observing form, rhyme, aesthetic beauty, and striving to produce verse, he is a born poet.

in Occurrences 264%

Your Pardon, sweet Sharp, my whole Design in it is to be Master of my self, and with part of her Portion to set up my Miss, Betty Flauntit; which, by the way, is the main end of my marrying;

by Occurrences 143%

This chef d'oeuvre was executed upon a rather large scale, and I imparted considerable force and breadth to the design by "coaling in" the shadows with a charred stick.

on Occurrences 110%

Morris left the base with similar designs on Shaw, and every one, with the exception of the den-keepers, seemed suddenly seized with an irresistible desire to do something.

as Occurrences 79%

Tis what I've reason to believe, Alcander, And you can give me none for loving me: I'm much unlike Lucinda whom you sigh'd for, I'm not so coy, nor so reserv'd as she; Nor so designing as Florana your next Saint, Who starv'd you up with hope, till you grew weary;

to Occurrences 70%

[Footnote 2: Quite independently of any specific design to that end by the Adapter, this Adaptation, carefully following the original English narrative as it does, can not avoid acting as a kind of practicaland, of course, somewhat exaggerativecommentary upon what is strained, forced, or out of the line of average probabilities, in the work Adapted.]

against Occurrences 67%

We might have shot the game they were pursuing fifty times, but we had no design against its life.

with Occurrences 56%

Take it, Sir! he has cast himself into a Fit, and has lain like one in a Trance this half hour; 'tis impossible for him to speak Sense this fortnight; I'll secure his Reason a play-day for so long at least; your Servants, in Turkish habits, are now his Guards, who will keep him safe enough from hindering your designs with Julia.

from Occurrences 36%

Encouraged by his literary success, he thought of throwing up his clerkship and trusting to his pen for a livelihood,a design from which he was happily diverted by his friends.

at Occurrences 25%

The patriotism, therefore, may be justly doubted of him, who professes to be disturbed by incredibilities; who tells, that the last peace was obtained by bribing the princess of Wales; that the king is grasping at arbitrary power; and, that because the French, in the new conquests, enjoy their own laws, there is a design at court of abolishing, in England, the trial by juries.

than Occurrences 16%

The emperour of Germany, sir, had then entered into a secret treaty of alliance with Spain, by which nothing less was designed than the total destruction of our liberties, the diminution of our commerce, the alienation of our dominions, and the subversion of our constitution.

into Occurrences 16%

They will never be able to carry their meritorious designs into effect against Prejudice, Law, and Custom.

of Occurrences 8%

All that is of English growth in Sir Courtly Nice is admirable; for though it has neither the fine designing of Ben Johnson, nor the masculine satire of Wycherley, nor the grace, delicacy, and courtly air of Etherege, yet is the dialogue lively and spirited, attractively diversified, and adapted to the several characters.

like Occurrences 7%

There were six of us, in two ancient open carriages designed like gravy boats and hauled by gaunt livery horses.

towards Occurrences 5%

SMOKE APPARATUS The earlier smoke apparatus for supply to merchant ships was designed towards the end of 1916.

without Occurrences 5%

This latter improvement meets with our hearty approval, and we earnestly hope to see it put to the excellent use for which it is designed without further delay.

after Occurrences 4%

He drew design after design and rejected them as not quite perfect.

before Occurrences 4%

" X Marina, under the yellow glare of the lamp in the dark oak cabinet, worked fitfully, with broken, lifeless strokes, at the designs before her; while her father, feigning absorption in some new drawings which lay spread out within touch of his strong-veined hands, watched her furtively from the other side of the table.

under Occurrences 3%

His design under the shapes, and in the persons of the Twelve Goddesses, was to shadow out the blessings which the nation enjoyed, under the peaceful reign of King James I.

between Occurrences 3%

The marriage he designed between her and Carver would have brought the outlaws the wealth necessary to retrieve their fortunes and recover their position in the world.

about Occurrences 2%

He'll take the gifts of fortune if they come, but I don't think there's much deliberate design about it.

above Occurrences 2%

This apartment is panelled with the most delightful carvings of scenes from the Old Testament, and with birds, animals and heraldic designs above the noble fireplace.

behind Occurrences 2%

I would never complain if it were the common risk of my trade, but I have a notion that there's some sort of design behind it."

through Occurrences 2%

The people instinctively felt that the tyrant had the design through the pretext of language to destroy the existence of the complex nation, and it met the tyrannic plot as if it answered, "We are, and must be, a nation; and if the tyrant takes language only for the mark of nationality, then we are all Magyars."

Which preposition to use with  designing