Which preposition to use with displacements

of Occurrences 70%

Only skilled mountaineers are able to detect the marks that serve to guide the Indians, such as slight abrasions of the looser rocks, the displacement of stones here and there, and bent bushes and weeds.

in Occurrences 3%

Therefore we must not attribute the origination of ideas to molecular displacement in the brain, though, by the reaction of the physical upon the mental which I have spoken of above, the formation of thought-channels in the grey matter of the brain may tend to facilitate the reception of certain ideas.

from Occurrences 1%

It is at that point that we think we see the star; so here is a seeming displacement from the sun, which increases in the measure in which the star is observed closer to the sun.

at Occurrences 1%

The Great Britain is of 3,500 tons burden, and her displacement at 16 feet draught of water is 2,970 tons.

by Occurrences 1%

The subject was the displacement by Phoebus Apollo of the ancient sun-god, Hyperion, the last of the Titans who retained his dominion.

than Occurrences 1%

It will be observed that F is a vessel of finer form and a little less displacement than E, and, therefore, has less resistance.

with Occurrences 1%

The air space above the water in bottle B soon becomes filled by displacement with sulphurous acid gas, which is a little over twice as heavy as air; so in order to expedite the complete saturation of the water, it is convenient to remove the bottle A with its tube from bottle B, and after having closed the latter by its cork or stopper, to agitate it thoroughly by turning the bottle upside down.

Which preposition to use with  displacements