Which preposition to use with distracts

with Occurrences 48%

The young man had come home thus a day or two after his mother died,who was no more than the housekeeper in the old house,and distracted with the news, had thrown himself down at the door and called upon her to let him in.

from Occurrences 21%

Presently, my attention was distracted from this, by coming to the great entrance.

at Occurrences 12%

He was at first distracted at finding that his lifelong friend had seduced his wife, then he made her promise not to see or communicate with Sir Horace until he made up his mind what course of action to take.

in Occurrences 11%

Greece, with a fair prospect of ultimate success, was at that time as distracted in her councils as ever.

between Occurrences 10%

The coroner sat appalled,confused, almost distracted between his doubts, his convictions, his sympathy for the man and his recoil from the passions he would be only too ready to pardon if he could feel quite sure of their real root and motive.

about Occurrences 5%

Be ye not distracted about to-morrow.

by Occurrences 5%

My mind was so distracted by this occurrence that I rushed without knowing it upon some one who was passing, and threw him down with the violence of my exit; upon which I was set on by a party of half a dozen ruffians, apparently his companions, who would, I thought, kill me, but who only flung me, wounded, bleeding, and feeling as if every bone in my body had been broken, down on the pavement, when they went away, laughing too.

for Occurrences 3%

hallooing as if they were distracted for joy of that relief, which afterwards we received from your hands.

to Occurrences 2%

" The very possibility of being sent into some unknown regiment was a terror so great that the other alternative became less odious to the boys, and they trotted after Jack, as he stalked moody and distracted to Major Mike McGoyle's tent, now the only habitable spot left where a few hours before a symmetrical little city had stood.

during Occurrences 1%

"Personally I have found him quite distracting during my short visit.

as Occurrences 1%

If ever any music was invented for the express purpose of making mourners as distracted as any external thing can make them, it is the bitter, hopeless, unrestrained wail of this tune.

into Occurrences 1%

They plunge distracted into boiling water.

after Occurrences 1%

I'm nervous about cars, too; I want two of you to keep up a chatter; I should be miserable company for one, always distracted after the whistles.

Which preposition to use with  distracts