Which preposition to use with dustings

of Occurrences 10%

CHAPTER XII SIERRA THUNDER-STORMS The weather of spring and summer in the middle region of the Sierra is usually well flecked with rains and light dustings of snow, most of which are far too obviously joyful and life-giving to be regarded as storms; and in the picturesque beauty and clearness of outlines of their clouds they offer striking contrasts to those boundless, all-embracing cloud-mantles of the storms of winter.

with Occurrences 2%

All that is necessary now is an occasional dusting with an antiseptic powder, and, as far as possible, the restriction of movement.

over Occurrences 1%

The seed should be sown thinly in the open borders during March, April, or May in fine soil, covering slightly with well-prepared mouldvery small seeds require merely a dusting over them.

Which preposition to use with  dustings