Which preposition to use with ed

to Occurrences 18%

As he stood ga-zing with won-der up-on them, a voice, which ap-pear-ed to pr-oceed from the cloud, said, "Wil-lie, be not a-fraid: I know the praise-wor-thy er-rand that you are on, and I come to be-friend you.

in Occurrences 12%

Ed in tal caso sarebbe stato ajutato; sebene saria paruto che nelle sue passate resoluzioni se la fosse sempre intesa con Roma.

with Occurrences 9%

So he sat and lis-ten-ed for the foot-step of his poor mo-ther, who, he knew, would come home, wea-ri-ed with la-bour, to share her scan-ty crust with her boy.

for Occurrences 6%

* * 33 blouse receipt'ed coun' te nance ab sorbed' con trast' ed for' tu nate

from Occurrences 5%

Poor lit-tle Wil-lie re-turn-ed from the for-est la-den with as much wood as his fee-ble strength could bear.

by Occurrences 5%

As Wil-lie lay down that night, full of gra-ti-tude for his great good for-tune, and think-ing of his home, to which he knew he should so soon re-turn to take hap-pi-ness to his fond mo-ther, he was sud-den-ly a-rous-ed by screams of ter-ror and cries of a-larm.

on Occurrences 4%

Pre-sen-tly, as he pass-ed through a val-ley which was la-den with the sweets of wild flow-ers that bloom-ed on ei-ther side, a cu-ri-ous and al-most trans-pa-rent flee-cy cloud ap-pear-ed a-cross his path, from which a-rose two e-nor-mous hands.

of Occurrences 4%

With that, Wil-lie en-ter-ed, and soon found that he had plen-ty to do; for his first job was to get the o-gress's din-ner ready, who, in truth, had no de-li-cate ap-pe-tite, for the pro-vi-si-on con-sist-ed of fish, fowl, beef, soup, mut-ton, and ham-pers of ve-ge-ta-bles.

at Occurrences 3%

its light is throw-ing, For a mer-ry game at play, There is none that to my know-ing, And I've play-ed at games enough, Makes us laugh, and sets us glow-ing Like a game at Blind-man's Buff.

without Occurrences 2%

The preterits of these we form by adding ed without increase of syllables; as, display, displayed; survey, surveyed; enjoy, enjoyed.

as Occurrences 2%

Mr. Lowell was ed as Minister Plenipotentiary to England.

through Occurrences 2%

As these thoughts rush-ed through his mind, they gave him much com-fort; and he even hummed an air as he trot-ted on, to show his man-li-ness and cou-rage.

into Occurrences 1%

19.According to Dr. Lowth, as well as Coar and some others, those preterits in which ed is sounded like t, "admit the change of ed into t; as, snacht, checkt, snapt, mixt, dropping also one of the double letters, dwelt, past.

esce Occurrences 1%

cosi ed esce l'uomo ab utero matris suae."

about Occurrences 1%

One of them, a curly-haired girl with her mouth o-ed about a cigarette, puffed unceasingly.

down Occurrences 1%

The mo-ment Wil-lie saw her, he back-ed down the steps, for she was an o-gress, and as ug-ly as o-gress-es ge-ne-ral-ly are.

under Occurrences 1%

ed under the term of "black prelacy," I can truly say, the Episcopal order has received far more severe handling in Episcopal England than it has received in Presbyterian Scotland.

above Occurrences 1%

" "Wery well, William; when you get your 'ed above your 'eels, gae on.

like Occurrences 1%

In an in-stant the hands ap-pear-ed, and knock-ed such a dou-ble knock, that it e-cho-ed like thun-der through the val-ley, and you might have heard it rum-bling a-way on the dis-tant moun-tains.

Which preposition to use with  ed