Which preposition to use with elbow

on Occurrences 275%

Pulz sat down, an elbow on either knee for the greater steadiness.

in Occurrences 61%

Nay," added he, "if you had not been so much engrossed with this angry and indecorous altercation, you might have seen two of them at their needles, in an adjoining apartment, while one was busy at work in the garden, and another up to the elbows in the soap-sudsall so closely engaged in their several pursuits, that they hardly seemed to know they were the subject of discussion.

of Occurrences 58%

I never made out any figure of mamma, but still it was the tombstone, and papa, and the smooth green grass, and my head resting upon the elbow of my father.

with Occurrences 31%

The next moment every one was shoving and elbowing with their eyes fixed on the ball as it flew through the air.

at Occurrences 17%

He die, and the Colonel and everybody else go on living?" He half rose on his elbow at the monstrous absurdity of the idea.

to Occurrences 11%

" He elevated her by the elbow to the step, swinging up half-way after her to drop a coin into the box.

against Occurrences 9%

Villon surreptitiously refilled his cup, and settled himself more comfortably in the chair, crossing his knees and leaning his head upon one hand and the elbow against the back of the chair.

into Occurrences 9%

John said that when the gas was lit they couldn't help laughing at old Weston: he'd rammed one elbow into a box of sardines, and there was a cheese-cake stuck in the middle of his back.

from Occurrences 5%

" Dick took his elbows from the parapet and stood up.

as Occurrences 5%

He would then go down it himself, using his elbows as a brake.

out Occurrences 5%

A child may trip or fall during play and put his elbow out of joint.

for Occurrences 5%

"Oop-si-lah, lovey-dovey!" said Mr. Goldmark, tilting her elbow for the downward step.

through Occurrences 3%

let me out!" Just as he turned to elbow through his companions, and just as the cry sounded again, the matchlock blazed from the bow.

under Occurrences 3%

Wrenching my left arm free, I brought up my elbow under his chin with a wicked jolt; and then, before he could recover, I smashed home a short right-arm punch that must have landed somewhere in the neighbourhood of his third waistcoat button.

off Occurrences 3%

Raise the right elbow off the ground, rolling slightly over on the left side.

like Occurrences 2%

There is plenty of fine timber on the grounds, beeches, and great silver firs and, especially to be named, ancient larches with knees and elbows like old oaks, given to the proprietor by George II., when the larch was first introduced into Scotland.

by Occurrences 2%

He got up, lit the candle and explained to me with great wealth of Arabic theosophy that the snakes I saw were mere delusions because Allah never made them; and I tried to look utterly drunk, staring at him with dropped jaw and droopy eyelids, knocking an empty bottle over with my elbow by way of calling attention to it.

among Occurrences 2%

Ben Hamza was grinning like a schoolboy, beside himself with delight at the prospect of elbowing among notables, as well as inordinately proud of his new clothes and the smell of imported soap that hung about him like an aura.

across Occurrences 2%

" She leaned on her elbows across the table from him, smiling and twirling a great ring of black onyx round her small finger.

over Occurrences 2%

How often I see him as in our first days,the boy of seventeen summers, lying on his elbows over his Thackeray, reading by the pictures, and laughing to himself hour after hour; and many a prairie adventure, many happy days and fortunate moments come back, with the strength and bloom of youth, as I recall the manly figure, the sensitive and eager face, and all his resolute ways.

between Occurrences 1%

At first, if you lowered yourself with bent elbows between the parallel bars, you could not by any manoeuvre get up again, but sank to the ground a hopeless wreck; now you can raise and lower yourself an indefinite number of times.

before Occurrences 1%

If notkindly relax that crablike clutch on my elbow before partial paralysis ensues.

beside Occurrences 1%

" The tone of her words seemed to reassure him, for he came nearer and rested his elbow beside her on the piano and said, "Then you are sorry that I am going?

about Occurrences 1%

I'd rather never go to a dance at all, than sit still, or be elbowed about in the square dances.

than Occurrences 1%

A BOLD FORWARD MAN Is a lusty fellow in a crowd, that is beholden more to his elbow than his legs, for he does not go, but thrusts well.

Which preposition to use with  elbow