Which preposition to use with embroiling

with Occurrences 22%

[-26-] While he was so occupied he received a summons from Roles, who had become embroiled with Dapyx, himself also a king of the Getae.

in Occurrences 13%

One thing was certainthat the Triple Alliance were once more embroiled in a quarrel with their ancient foe the former leader of the Philistines, and they knew enough of their adversary's character to feel sure that he would not pass over an event of this kind without some attempt at revenge.

among Occurrences 1%

While the inhabitants of this island were embroiled among themselves, the power of France and Holland was every day increasing.

for Occurrences 1%

John, having been embroiled for five years past with the court of Rome, affected to defy the excommunication which the pope had hurled at him, and of which the King of France had been asked by several prelates of the English Church to insure the efficient working.

of Occurrences 1%

The repeal of the Missouri Compromise throws open not only a great new territory to the curse of slavery; it throws open the whole slavery question for the embroiling of the present generation of Americans.

Which preposition to use with  embroiling