Which preposition to use with expatiating

on Occurrences 74%

All the governors expatiate on the vast amount of forest wealth and remind the home government that under the French regime the king, when making out patents for the seigneurs, reserved the right of taking wood for ship-building and fortifications from any of the seigneuries.

in Occurrences 12%

The soul, uneasy and confined from home, Bests and expatiates in a life to come.

at Occurrences 9%

To expatiate at greater length would be superfluous, as we have in another place recorded our humble tribute to his general character.

with Occurrences 7%

In stating to you the merits of HOWARD, I might expatiate with delight on the various qualities of this incomparable man; I might trace his progress through the different periods of a life always singular and always instructive.

to Occurrences 6%

She expatiated to Mathieu on the preliminary training that was required by one of her profession, the cost of it, the efforts needed to make a position, the responsibilities, the inspections, the worries of all sorts that she had to face; and she plainly told the young man that her charge for a boarder would be two hundred francs a month.

on Occurrences 3%

This fancy was strengthened in the course of conversation, by his expatiating on the greatness of Racine.

without Occurrences 2%

It is one of those few subjects on which an encomiast may expatiate without deviating from the truth.

through Occurrences 1%

" The bird again relapsing into silence, appeared to repose on the happiness of its thoughts, like the lark which, after quivering and expatiating through all its airy warble, becomes mute and content, having satisfied its soul to the last drop of its sweetness.

after Occurrences 1%

That fine old country gentleman, the late Lord Knightley (who was the living double of Dickens's Sir Leicester Dedlock), had been expatiating after dinner on the undoubted glories of his famous pedigree.

for Occurrences 1%

Martin's 'Horace' And who, after thus expatiating for some stanzas on the charms of the country, calls in all his money one week in order to settle there, and puts it all out again (no doubt at higher interest) the week after.

about Occurrences 1%

It is obvious that, with such scanty and unexciting materials, no biographer can say very much about what Sir Thomas Browne did; it is quite easy, however, to expatiate about what he wrote.

in Occurrences 1%

A French writer expatiating in true Gallic style, calls Morocco the "arrière-garde en Afrique of Islamism," and "une de ses armées de réserve."

Which preposition to use with  expatiating