Which preposition to use with export

of Occurrences 155%

The enlarged canal of New York, and the great railways which furnish direct routes from the West to the Atlantic, have of late years diverted from the Father of Waters a very large proportion of the exports of the West, but the steamers and flat-boats which floated down the Mississippi literally fed the Cotton States.

to Occurrences 91%

I have been told by an eminent bookseller, that in no branch of his business, after tracts of popular devotion, were so many books as those on the law exported to the Plantations.

from Occurrences 91%

Exports from Alsace and Lorraine into Germany to be exempt from duty, without right of reciprocity (Art. 268).

in Occurrences 43%

It was for many centuries the great staple of Egypt, and was exported in large quantities to almost every part of Europe and Asia, but never, it would appear, to England or Germany.

for Occurrences 26%

Immense bales of the unsold copies of the New York Free Press are now exported for the purpose.

at Occurrences 12%

But exports at low cost must in the long run prove detrimental, if not destructive, to the commerce of neutral countries, and even to that of the victors.

without Occurrences 3%

It is, however, prudent to obstruct criminal attempts even when we cannot hope entirely to defeat them, and, therefore, I am of opinion, that no provisions ought to be exported without some method of security, by which the governours of every place may be assured that they will be conveyed to our own colonies.

as Occurrences 2%

The exact accuracy of the record is questionable, but the returns for the year 1894, the year preceding the revolution, show the total imports of the island as $77,000,000, and the total exports as $99,000,000.

beyond Occurrences 2%

Khotan silks, cotton, felt, woolen carpets, cloth, are the principal articles in the markets, and these are exported beyond the frontier between Tachkend and Koulja, to the north of Oriental Turkestan.

by Occurrences 2%

The British Parliament have already set the example of fixing that day for the cessation of the extra duties of export by their act of 30th of June last, and the minister of the United States in London is instructed to require the extension of the same principle to all the extra duties levied on vessels and merchandise of the United States in the ports of Great Britain since that day.

during Occurrences 2%

The aggregate values of rice exported during the last fiscal year, as compared with the previous year, also exhibit a decrease, amounting to $460,917, which, with a decline in the values of the exports of tobacco for the same period, make an aggregate decrease in these two articles of $1,156,751.

like Occurrences 2%

"Great numbers," he says, "were exported like cattle from the British coast, and were to be seen exposed for sale in the Roman markets.

on Occurrences 2%

A large number of the principal States import the raw material of manufacture and carry on import and export on a large scale.

into Occurrences 1%

It was better for them to be exported into a slave colony.

under Occurrences 1%

Indeed, the circumference of the reel was fixed by an Act of Convention of Estates, dating as far back as 1665 and as under: "That no linen yarn be exported under the pain of confiscation, half to the King and half to the attacher.

with Occurrences 1%

In treating of trade, and comparing its exports with the peculiar products and manufactures of the cities and towns, hereafter to be enumerated, we may approximate to an idea of the resources of the Maroquine Empire, but everything is more or less deteriorated in this naturally rich country.

within Occurrences 1%

Of the Foreign and Colonial merchandise re-exported within the same period it is difficult to say what proportion was for British account, and, as such, should therefore be classed under the head of trade with Spain.

between Occurrences 1%

The value, of the imports and exports between Great Britain and the West Indies, including the excise and customs, was between seven and eight millions annually; and the tonnage of the ships employed about an eighth of the whole tonnage of these kingdoms.

Which preposition to use with  export