Which preposition to use with fact

of Occurrences 2400%

But sin is a root-fact of the life of man.

in Occurrences 716%

We, in short, pursue the same course in investigating facts in court that we pursue out of it, when no one forms a judgment until he has first heard what the parties and their friends say on the subject.

about Occurrences 229%

I learned curious facts about seals in those days.

to Occurrences 201%

We cannot tie a fact to a pupil, because to the tail of the fact is tied history itself.

FROM Occurrences 137%


with Occurrences 131%

" It would be unnecessary to attempt a verbatim report of Diggory's evidence; in doing so we should but be repeating facts with which the reader is already acquainted.

as Occurrences 114%

It is well-nigh impossible to tell the truth of these recent discoveries of gold, but while I can only briefly describe the territory in this small work, it shall be my endeavor to give the intending prospector, in the large work above mentioned, as many facts as possible, and these may thoroughly be relied upon, as from one who has lived continuously in those regions since 1882.

for Occurrences 108%

Why trouble himself about what either Stricker or I say, when any tyro can see the facts for himself, if he is provided with those not rare articles, a nettle and a microscope?

on Occurrences 100%

But the fact that so eminent a physical philosopher has, thus recently, held views opposite to those which he now entertains, and that he confesses his own estimates to be "very vague," justly entitles us to disregard those estimates, if any distinct facts on our side go against them.

by Occurrences 85%

But we had seen one of the little animals that had been roused from its bed by the dogs, and we called their special attention to the fact by leading them to the spot, and bidding them to "hunt him up."

at Occurrences 68%

He gathered that there had been a fight, so he deemed it his duty to report the fact at once to the discipline officer in charge over at Bancroft Hall.

before Occurrences 47%

Training in reasoning, however, must involve training in verification of facts before pronouncing judgement.

into Occurrences 27%

Woman's intuition goes to the heart of things and flashes facts into revelation.

than Occurrences 25%

For the present he was weary of the sight of the fat Apache, glad to believe he had seen the last of him for some hours; he had much to do on his own part, nothing less in fact than utterly to obliterate from human ken the personality of André Duchemin.

without Occurrences 24%

He simply stated the facts without comment.

beyond Occurrences 17%

"Final reconciliation of the Divine and human personality is in fact beyond us.

like Occurrences 16%

Look at facts like me an' Lenore.

during Occurrences 10%

In fact during a plenary session of the Peace Conference held on May 31, 1919, President Wilson stated as a broad principle that responsibility for protecting and maintaining a settlement under one of the Peace Treaties carried with it the right to determine what that settlement should be.

within Occurrences 9%

Then, too, it was a fact within the knowledge of Monsieur Duchemin that the uniform of the Americans had more than frequently been used by those ancient acquaintances of his, the Apaches of Paris, as a cloak for their own misdoings.

above Occurrences 9%

And so it is that the epic on the exploits of Bacchus and the paraphrase of St. John's Gospel have alike come down to us as the work of Nonnus, whose authorship of both learned men have never been able to deny, having regard to the similarity of style, but never could explain until the facts above narrated came to light in one of the Fayoum papyri recently acquired by the Archduke Rainer.

against Occurrences 9%

He ventured to assert that the jury would find in this evidence some damaging facts against the prisonerthat they would find a clear indication that the prisoner had defended Birchill because he knew himself to be guilty of this murder, and felt an obligation on him to place his legal knowledge and forensic powers at the disposal of a man whom he knew to be innocent.

under Occurrences 9%

This mode of death, chosen by the Romans as comparatively painless, is in fact under certain circumstances most agonizing.

out Occurrences 9%

Afterwards I got most of the facts out of George Spragg.

over Occurrences 5%

Here was the declaration of that fact over the man's own signature.

through Occurrences 4%

Every man sees facts through narrow spectacles, red, or green, or blue, as his nation or his temperament colours them: and he is quite right, only he must allow us the liberty of having our spectacles too.

Which preposition to use with  fact